- chapter 11. it's a long way down

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❀ 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓. 𝖎𝖙'𝖘 𝖆 𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝖜𝖆𝖞
𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓 ❀


     HIS scar had been hurting all morning, but he didn't want to say anything because he didn't want to alarm anyone even if it was alarming to himself. It could just be a headache, although his instincts told him it was not a simple headache.

Whilst walking through the courtyard with Esme, Hermione and Ron, he lingered behind with Esme, who held onto her journal but kept glancing at Harry like she could sense his pain. She saw him squinting and rubbing at the scar on his forehead and understood why they were walking slower than the others.

"Harry. Is it hurting? your scar?" she asked him, voice lowered to not gain un-wanted attention.

      "It's never hurt like this before." he tells her.

Esme wasn't sure how to help, because if it was the other side of his head hurting, it wouldn't be so bad, however, it being the car Voldemort gave him and Voldemort potentially being back didn't seem like a coincidence "Do you think madam Pomphrey would be able to help?" she knew it was unlikely, but it was nice to hope. He shook his head, denying the help. She checked Hermione and Ron weren't listening before she asked "Is it a sign perhaps? maybe about ... Voldemort?"

     "I think it is," Harry told her honestly as they stopped and focused on each other so Harry could seriously say "I think it's a sign of danger."

Esme gulped, scared (though she wouldn't say) "Maybe we should tell Professor McGonagall? Before it gets out of hand, we're only first years." She suggested but at that moment Harry looked past her to Hagrid who sat down by his hut and he started running down the hill to see him as the three saw him running down and with confused looks they chased after him "Harry what are you doing?" she asked.

      "Isn't it odd that what Hagrid wants most in the world is a dragon? And a stranger just happens to have one? I mean, how many people just carry dragon eggs around with them?" he questioned as they were coming down to his hut.

Esme scoffed "You should meet my great uncle Wyatt." she suggested.

There was no introductions when seeing the half-giant, and the three still didn't know what Harry was really going to do or say so they stood like bodygaurds.

     "Hagrid who gave you the egg? What did they look like?" Harry asked as Hagrid stopped playing his music and thought about it.

     "I never saw 'is face, he 'ad a hood up." Hagrid told them.

Esme saw the failed look on Harry's face pitched in "Well you and this stranger must have talked?" she asked him, trying to be nice and kind about it, because trust seemed a better way of getting what you wanted then whatever Harry's approach was.

      "He wanted to know what kind of creatures I looked after, I said 'after Fluffy, a Dragon will be no problem.'"

     "Was he interested in Fluffy?" Harry asked.

     "Of course he was interested. How often do you come across a three headed dog? But I told him: the trick with any beast is to know how to calm it. Take Fluffy for example, play him a bit off music and he falls right to sleep," he had told them before he could think and they all looked at each other in surprise at how easy he slipped up. Hagrid, sensing he had messed up "I shouldn't have told you 'at." He realised as they had a mischievous glint in his eyes. The four of them took off, back up the hill "Where you goin?" he shouted up to them.

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