Where am I?

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TW: mention of abuse.

So, I am not entirely sure how to put a trigger warning on this. This whole chapter might get a bit disturbing. Just so you are generally warned.

It is important to the plot people.

You guys are going to question my mental health after this one. (If you already didn't.)

So yeah. Read at your own risk.

Frida frowned as she opened her eyes.

Her head was still hurting and she felt awful. This was exactly how it was like... There.

She looked around and panicked for a quick second. She couldn't remember where she was. Something lay on her body, holding her down. Frida eventually got a few memories back. She vaguely remembered she was with Ruby and Drago.

"It was high time you woke up."

Frida tried to sit up but couldn't, she could barely open her eyes. She felt incredibly weak and pathetic. Why hadn't she been yanked up and beaten on the floor yet?

"How long have I been asleep?" She asked. Why was she asking this? She wouldn't get an answer. She would get a blow to the cheek, or a drug being injected into her neck.

"For about 12 hours. I'm glad you slept that long though, you were boiling," Ruby said and sat down in front of her. "How are you feeling?" Why did this woman care about her wellbeing?

"Are Frida and Henry nearby?" Frida asked. She could remember the kids from yesterday... Or was it a year ago? How long had she been here? Frida saw Ruby shake her head. "Like shit," she answered.

Ruby chuckled but moved her hand to her forehead. How could this woman laugh? Had Frida done something stupid again?

"You are burning up," she mumbled before she went back into the kitchen. Why did this woman care? Wasn't this the lab?

"I feel like I am submerged in ice," Frida said. How was she talking so comfortably to this woman?

She suddenly felt something rise to her throat and she panicked. "Ruby!"

"What?!" Ruby asked from the kitchen.

"I think I am going to puke!" Frida shouted as she tried to push it down. She couldn't show weakness, that would just bring pain and consequences.

Ruby ran into the living room again, a bucket in her hands. She placed the bucket in front of Frida and helped her lean over it.

Frida shook her head. She didn't want to throw up. It wouldn't end well. Her father would come in any second and bait her into thinking she was safe, and when she broke, he would hit and kick her until she couldn't walk.

"You need to get it out," Ruby said sternly.

Frida shook her head again but kept her head above the bucket. She was struggling to breathe at this point but she kept her mouth sealed shut.

Where was she again?

Ruby sighed and got up from the floor. She sat down on the couch and brought Frida to her lap. Frida bent over, her head still over the bucket.

"Sorry," Ruby whispered and placed a hand on her stomach.

Panic set into Frida and she shook her head vigorously as she tried to keep it down. She couldn't show weakness. If she did, she would be beaten. She didn't want to be beaten.

Ruby put more pressure on her stomach and Frida tried her best to keep it in. She wanted the person to stop the torture they were putting her through.

"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au. Heatherxfemoc)|(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now