04 | ᴋʀɪꜱᴛᴀ ʟᴇɴᴢ

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THE SCOUTS THEN ARRIVED IN THE CITY of Ehrmich. While Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Hange, and their squad were preparing their horses, Luna and Levi showed Pastor Nick the truth about those who are victims of titans. The streets were filled and cramped with many people. All looked very much alive, but their eyes told a different story.

Pastor Nick's eyes widened in shock as he stood there watching them, absolutely terrified of the condition of these people. As he stared at them, Levi suddenly kicked him lightly on his back, "No one said stop. Rolling stone gathers no moss." He spat.

However, Nick was still speechless and horrified, filled with worry upon looking at these people, "This is..."

"Maybe you expected to see something quaint? This is what happens when the walls give." Levi stated. The eyes of the victims were incredibly lifeless. You can even hear a kid sobbing in search of their mother and father within the crowd. The man felt pity in his heart. The pastor wanted to go help out, but Levi had stopped him from doing so, "No. Take it in, holy man. These are the faces of human beings who've lost everything they ever had. Human beings you and your kind abandoned incidentally. Hard to look at I'd imagine. But if the church had its way, this would be all of us." He stated.

"Titans would pour in and make a feast of what's left. We'll all be gobbled up in their stinking mouths and die in the most miserable way possible. All humanity digested as one." Levi added, glaring holes behind his head.

Luna stared at the pastor for a while, examining his reactions before sighing quietly, "It's good to know you have real human emotions, but you should be aware that your concern isn't worth a single damn thing if you're just going to sit there and watch them suffer." Luna spoke, with that venomous serene voice of hers. Even so, she had spoken all of that with a threatening smile. "You were given a brain and a heart, so use it, Nick. Your quote-on-quote sympathy for them is nothing if you can't do one goddamn thing right. In this world, words have no effect. It's your actions that factor out everything else." She continued.

Her eyes burned holes through his head in anger and hatred. Levi grabbed the back of the collar of the priest, pulling him, "Let's go." He spat as the three made their way to Hange and the others.