Chapter 1

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When Katrina Jaycobs discovered that she was pregnant for a second time, to say she was less than thrilled would be an understatement. She was even more angry about it and at her husband when it was found out that it was a girl. She doted on her son, James. He was her entire world. She was going to make sure that he got everything he ever wanted in life and she wasn't concerned about what would happen to the baby girl she carried. 

Luckily for the baby, she was born healthy. Katrina lay in the hospital bed with her husband at her side. James was with Christopher's mother. He was excitedly anticipating the arrival of his baby sister. Christopher was thrilled that he had a baby girl. He looked down at the little bundle in his arms. 

"Name her, Christopher," Katrina ordered. 

"You don't want to name your own daughter?" he asked, confused by her attitude. 


Christopher nodded. He looked down at her again and a small smile drifted across his face. 

"Madelyn Nicole," he said. 

"Whatever," Katrina replied. 

Her attitude toward the baby continued during their stay in the hospital. The doctor's told him that it was just a bout of post-partum depression. They recommended medication but nothing changed. Christopher was told to be cautious about leaving her alone with Madelyn. He had to work though. He was certain that his wife wouldn't do anything to harm their daughter. James was thrilled that he had a baby sister. Christopher helped the little boy hold her when they got home. Madelyn slept soundly in his arms. Katrina left the room and avoided everything that had to do with Madelyn. 

Christopher returned to work a few days later, leaving Katrina at the house with both of their children. He hadn't been at work for more than an hour when he got a call from his wife. 

"Get your ass home and deal with this thing," she demanded. 

He could hear Madelyn screaming in the background. He sighed heavily but called his mother to go over and care for his daughter. Katrina had no problem taking care of James. She wanted absolutely nothing to do with Madelyn though. It continued this way until Madelyn was two years old. Katrina had managed to convince James that Madelyn was the reason that daddy was never home. In reality, it was Katrina's demands for money that kept Christopher at work. James began taking it out on Madelyn. She was three years old the first time that he broke her arm. 

Her father had taken her to the hospital and she remembered the pain. She couldn't tell him what had happened to her. She could barely talk. James was four years older than her and said she had fallen on the stairs. She couldn't do anything about it. Her arm had been casted and she was sent home. 

A report was made to the Department of Children Services but nothing came of it. Katrina backed the story James told and Madelyn was too small to be able to really voice what had happened to her. She normally only had bruises from him hitting her. 

Madelyn remembered the first time that someone had questioned her about the bruises she had. She was in the first grade. She had been honest about what had happened. A phone call was made and she was questioned. Her parents were called into the office and they denied any of the allegations that were made. They told about the elaborate stories that Madelyn liked to tell and the case was closed. Madelyn was made to look like a liar until a teacher witnessed her with a black eye and heard the threat that James had sent her way as they walked down the hall. Madelyn just cowered from him and went into the classroom. The teacher quickly notified the office and another report was made. 

This time it would be different. There would be no saving James from the story. There would be no calling Madelyn a liar. She was called down to the office and told she was going to speak to someone. She had her ideas of who it could be. 

She sat on the chair in the office, swinging her feet since they still didn't touch the floor even though she was eight years old. She could barely see out of her left eye from the beating James gave her the night before. Her wrist hurt yet again, every time she moved it. James had threatened her as they walked down the hallway that morning. 

"Madelyn Jaycobs," a woman called her name. 

"Yes," Madelyn answered quietly. 

She looked up at the woman and could only see her out of one eye. 

"Who did this to you?" the woman asked. 

"My big brother," Madelyn replied. 

"Oh sweetheart, did your parents stop him?"

"No ma'am. They never do."

The woman looked taken aback by the idea that her parents just allowed her brother to abuse her the way that he did. She had gone through Madelyn's medical file at the school and the documented marks from the teachers over the last two years. Madelyn just sat there silently watching the woman. 

"We are going to take you to the hospital," the woman told her. 

She looked at the officer who was standing by the door. 

"James Jaycobs needs to be detained so that it can be evaluated as to what is going on and if charges need to be pressed," the woman told him. 

The officer nodded. Madelyn was led out of the office. She whimpered when the woman took her by the arm. She knew better than to make much more noise than that. The woman looked at her again. 

"Does that hurt?" she asked. 

Madelyn nodded. The woman let go of her and gently guided her to a vehicle. Madelyn was taken to the hospital and examined by the doctors. She was then allowed to go to the house and pack a small bag. Her mother just stood there with a smirk on her face. Madelyn didn't even look at her. The woman then took Madelyn from the house after giving her parents paperwork for court. Madelyn was taken to another home for the night. She was confused as to what was going on even after the woman explained it to her. 

"You will stay here with the Henderson's tonight. We have court in two days and then we will decide what is going to be done with you," she said. 

Madelyn was terrified but she nodded. The Henderson's weren't that warm of a family either so she wasn't surprised when she was told to go to bed. She hadn't even gotten supper. 

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