Chapter 7

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It was a week later that the date was set for. Marshall arrived at the restaurant first and got a booth that allowed him to see the door. He was watching the door. He wasn't expecting to be caught off guard and he had seen a picture of this girl. He knew who he was looking for so the moment that she walked in, he stopped what he was doing. The photos didn't do her justice at all. She was gorgeous. There was no way she was going to go for a guy like him. He stared at her as she made her way to the table.

"Are you Marshall?" she asked.

"Are you kidding me?" he was stunned that she had just asked that.

She laughed and slid onto the booth bench opposite of him. He just watched her.

"Just thought I'd make you feel normal," she said.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Madelyn Jaycobs."

"Nice. So normal huh?"

"Not everyone wants to be in the spotlight."

"And you?"

"No thanks. I mean I know who you are and all. I met Ashley in school and I was apparently in a foster home with Nathan when I was a kid. Ashley has been by my side for a lot of the crap that I went through. I never wanted to meet Nate when she told me about him. But I did and I realized I knew him already. Then she has been bugging me to meet you for probably six months now."

"Yeah me too."

Madelyn laughed. She felt at ease around Marshall which was weird. She hadn't been expecting that at all. The waitress came to the table to take their order. Marshall ordered his normal burger and fries. He was surprised that Madelyn didn't order a salad like most girls would. She went for chicken fingers and fries. The waitress walked away.

"So tell me about you. I mean everyone knows about my bull," he said.

"What do you want to know?" she asked.

"Whatever you want to tell me."

"Well I was in foster care from eight to eighteen."

"How come?"

"My brother abused me and my parents did nothing to stop it. Led to a lot of the messed up things that have gone on in my life."

He nodded.

"I was told you had a bad break up?" he asked.

"If you can call it that," she said.

"What do you mean?"

"That's not really something I want to get into right now, honestly."

"That's fair."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, you don't know me like that. I mean yeah I'm famous I mean shit, I'm Eminem but you don't know Marshall like that."

Madelyn nodded in agreement.

"Ok then tell me about what you like. Some of your favorite things," he said.

"My favorite color is blue, things like that you mean?" she asked.

"Yeah sure. Ashley is convinced that we are perfect for one another so I guess I should know about you."

She chuckled. Their lunch date went fairly well. She liked how he was down to earth and just so normal. She wasn't expecting that when she had walked in the restaurant today. She had assumed he would be arrogant and a jerk but he wasn't.

"You ready?" he asked, after paying the bill.

"Yeah, sure." she replied.

"Do you want to do this again?"

"I would love to do this again."

She put her number in his phone. He called her so she could save his number. They walked out of the restaurant together.

"I honestly had a lot of fun talking to you," she said.

"Me too," he admitted.

"I guess I have to thank Ash now huh?"

"Nah, let's tell them it was horrible."

"Marshall that's mean."

"It's funny though."

Madelyn chuckled. They stopped next to her car door. Marshall opened it for her and gently kissed her cheek. He watched her get into the driver's seat of her vehicle.

"I'll give you a call," he said.

"I look forward to it, Mr. Mathers," she replied.

He had to stop himself from taking her right there. Hearing her call him Mr. Mathers turned him on in a way he had never imagined would happen. He walked away from her vehicle to his own. She had already pulled out of the parking lot. He text her before even leaving the lot.

Marshall: I want to see you again

Madelyn: that can definitely be done

Marshall: dinner tomorrow?

Madelyn: Sure

He pulled out of the lot with a smile on his face. He went to the house and contacted his assistant. He had her send Ashley a huge bouquet of flowers to thank her for the set up. He text Madelyn afterward about it.

Marshall: I sent ash some flowers

Madelyn: thought you were telling her it was awful.

Marshall: couldn't do it.

Madelyn: so I guess I gotta admit to her that I had a good time?

Marshall: guess so.

They had continued texting for a bit before she said goodnight so she could get ready for work in the morning. He had to admit that Ashley had good taste for him. 

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