Chapter 17

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*Christmas 2012*

Madelyn had found a new job and was enjoying it. Marshall had made sure that the two men responsible had paid for what they had done. She was thankful to him. He wanted to make sure that she was taken care of. She woke up Christmas morning in his bed. They had enjoyed a late night the night before. She was excited for Christmas for the first time in a long time. She got a quick shower and got dressed in a pair of sweats and a tank top. She went down to the kitchen to make homemade cinnamon rolls for their breakfast.

"Good morning," Alaina appeared in the doorway.

"Morning," Madelyn looked up from what she was doing.

"What smells so good?"

"Cinnamon rolls."


"Yeah, I've made them from scratch."

"They smell amazing."

Madelyn smiled. Alaina took a seat at the bar in the kitchen. She watched what Madelyn was doing.

"Is Unc up yet?" Alaina asked.

"No, he was still sleeping," Madelyn replied.

Alaina nodded. It was a bit later that Hailie got up followed by Whitney. The girls were all in the kitchen when Marshall finally made his appearance.

"It smells amazing," he said.

"Mads made us homemade cinnamon rolls," Whitney told him.

"That sounds delicious baby."

Whitney grinned. Madelyn looked at them and smiled. Marshall was stunned how easy this all felt in his kitchen. He didn't feel like it was pressured or forced. The girls seemed so at ease with Madelyn. She was a natural in his kitchen with them. Hailie and Alaina were getting closer to her all the time. He had to admit that he liked it. He just wasn't ready to tell her that he loved her. He didn't feel like he was there yet.

They moved into the living room after they ate to open presents. Marshall watched as his girls opened everything. Madelyn sat back on the couch. Whitney looked up at her dad. He was watching her.

"This is a good Christmas," Whitney said.

"It definitely is, baby," Marshall replied.

"I've missed this. Things have been calm."

Marshall nodded. Madelyn looked at him. He smiled at her. They opened gifts to each other as well. She was beyond happy with everything. She had never really had family holidays before. She really felt as though she was like that dog that had spent its entire life in a shelter only to be adopted finally and learning what life was about. Marshally watched her for a moment. He was glad that they were all having a good day. Madelyn looked tired as she sat on the couch though. He could see it in her eyes.

"Babe, you doing ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, just tired," she replied.

"You didn't have to make cinnamon rolls for us this morning."

"I know I didn't, but I wanted to."

"It was nice of you but I don't like that you are tired now."

"I will be fine."

She smiled at him. They were going to be having a Christmas dinner at Nate's later that evening that they were all going to be attending. Madelyn told Ashley that she would help her with the cooking but Marshall insisted that they allow it to be catered. Madelyn was frustrated with that idea which was why she had gotten up and made the cinnamon rolls.

They headed out to Nate's later that day. Madelyn still helped Ashley set up the table for supper and preparing for the chaos that would reign down on the house later on. Marshall was watching football with his brother. Madelyn looked at Ashley as they worked on everything.

"How's it been going with him?" she asked.

"It's been good actually." Madelyn replied.

"That's good. You survived the tour?"

"Yeah, it really wasn't that bad."

She nodded. Madelyn didn't need to let Ashley know all of the drama that surrounded them with the tours and how they really made her feel. She didn't want it getting back to Marshall and starting an argument. She wanted to avoid it as much as she could. She wanted things to run as smoothly as possible. She had a new job and Ashley knew that she had a new job but hadn't asked why she left the studio.

"You liking the new job?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah, it's been really calm," Madelyn replied.

"Marshall's ok with you not being in the studio with him during the day?"

"He would be happy at this point if I completely relied on him and didn't work at all."


"Yeah, he's all about trying to make sure that I am happy, but I don't want to live off his money. Especially without being married. He doesn't need to think that I am just here for his money."

"I can understand that."

Madelyn nodded. She smiled as Marshall came into the kitchen. He leaned down to kiss her lips as he slid an arm around her waist. Ashley smiled at them.

"You two are just adorable. I did a good job setting you up," she said.

"Yeah, I'll admit that. You did good," Marshall chuckled.

Madelyn rolled her eyes. Marshall kissed her temple and went to find his brother. Madelyn looked at Ashley.

"I haven't seen him like this with any girl," she said.

"Yeah?" Madelyn asked.

She had wanted to ask about him saying I love you to any female, but she was scared of the answer. He hadn't said it and she hadn't said it again. She didn't want to set herself up to get hurt again since she was hurt a bit when she said it and he didn't. They hadn't even spoken about it again. 

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