Chapter 30

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When she woke, he wasn't there. The frustration returned in an instant. She lay there staring at the ceiling, trying hard not to cry. She just wanted to wake up to her husband for once. They had been married for almost a week and it was every day that she woke up alone. She lay there for at least an hour, before getting up. She didn't even go look for Marshall before she just left the house. She went to breakfast alone, before going shopping. She needed something to just take her mind off everything she was feeling. She sighed as she walked through the mall.

Back at the house, Marshall had just finished up his album and sent it off. He was glad that it was done so he had some time with his wife. He went looking for her only to discover that she wasn't in the house. He began to worry. He pulled out his phone to call her. She didn't answer and he figured out it was because her phone was on the kitchen counter. That didn't make him happy. He had to just sit there until she came home.

It was late when Madelyn pulled up to the house. She walked through the door with her purchases. Marshall was pacing in front of the door. She glanced at him.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Where the hell have you been?" he demanded.

"I went to the mall. I needed to clear my head."

"By blowing my money?"

"First of all, I spent my money and second of all, what the fuck?"

"I'm sorry. You scared the shit outta me. I came up from sending off the album and you're gone. You didn't take your phone. What was I supposed to think?"

"Marshall, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I just needed a moment. I mean I've woken up every day since we have been married alone. You don't stick around after we make love. I may as well just be a damn booty call with your last name at this point."

"Booty calls don't get my last name."

Madelyn rolled her eyes. She was annoyed that he was trying to make her out to be the bad guy now. She set her bags down. Marshall glared at her for a moment.

"Look, I'm sorry that I scared you, but I'm really feeling alone right now. You wouldn't even let me come to the studio with you," she said, feeling defeated once again.

He watched her for a moment and nodded. He understood where she was coming from and he felt bad. Before they got married, he had no issues with her coming into the studio with him but now that she was officially his wife, he felt distracted. Every time he looked at her, he wanted to take her and show her why she was his wife. She stood there, chewing on her lower lip, wondering if he was going to hit her or not.

"I'm sorry," he said, moving in to put his arms around her.

He froze when she tensed up. He looked at her face and could see the fear in her eyes that she was trying to hide.

"Madelyn, I will never hurt you like that, I swear it," he said.

She nodded and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to hold back the tears. He gently pulled her into his arms and lifted her chin. He gently pressed a kiss to her lips.

"I love you so much and it just scared me that you were gone. I tried to call you and your phone is on the counter in the kitchen. I was just worried," he said.

She nodded again, the first tears slipping out. He gently wiped it away with his thumb.

"Please don't cry," he begged.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"It's ok baby. I am sorry for being such a shitty husband our first week together."

She put her head against his shoulder as he held her. She had been terrified that he was going to be angry and it was going to be taken out on her. She could feel the fear melt away as he held her in his arms. He gently played with her hair.

"It's all right, now I am all about you, babe," he said.

"I won't do that again," she promised.

"Just take your phone with you so I can get in contact with you. That's all I ask. I just wanted to know where you were."

"I didn't even realize that I forgot it. I thought it was in my purse."

"It's ok, love."

She nodded. He let go of her and watched her as she dug through the bags that she had. She pulled something out of one of them. She handed it to him. He smiled as he stared at it. She had brought him a new hat. He looked at her.

"So feeling alone, and probably upset and you still thought about me when you were out and about?" he asked.

She nodded. He shook his head.

"How did I get so lucky to get you?" he asked.

She shrugged. She didn't know how to answer that for him. He smiled and kissed her lips again.

"Thank you, baby," he said.

"You're welcome," she replied.

They spent the rest of the evening lounging around the living room and watching movies. He ordered dinner for them so she didn't have to cook. He wanted her to relax with him and he didn't want her out of his sight for long. He had been worried that she had decided it was enough and didn't want to be married after only a week. She was content to lay in his arms on the couch as they watched a movie.

She realized that he was asleep shortly after they ate. His breath evened out on her neck. She lay there watching the movie while he slept. He obviously needed the sleep because she figured that he didn't get any the night before. She lay there with him until she had to use the rest room and then she tried to move. His arms tightened around her and he whined in his sleep.

"Baby, I gotta go to the bathroom," she said.

He let go of her and opened his eyes. She smiled as she got up from the couch. She walked away from him to use the bathroom and then made her way back to him. He was sitting up now and looked a little more awake than he had just a few moments prior. She smiled.

"Hey handsome, you ready for bed?" she asked.

"Yeah I think so," he said.

"Let's go then."

She held her hand out to him. He took it and let her lead him up the stairs to their room. She stripped down and got into bed. He did the same. When the girls weren't home, they had no issue sleeping naked. He always made sure she had on a t-shirt and panties while he had on his boxers when the girls were home. He didn't need them walking in on anything even though they were old enough to know that just barging into his room wasn't ok. She curled up next to him and smiled. He kissed her lips and yawned.

"Get some sleep, handsome. You look like you need it," she said.

He nodded, yawning again. She chuckled at him and closed her eyes. He pulled her against his body and fell asleep. She fell asleep rather quickly as well. 

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