Chapter 9

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*June 2011*

Marshall had to travel to Tennessee for the beginning of his second leg of the Recovery Tour. He was gone for a week. She was bored while he was gone. They had only been hanging out and talking for a month, but she had grown used to him being around. She enjoyed his company.

Marshall: I'm home on Sunday. Dinner?

Mads: yeah that sounds good

Marshall: sweet.

Madelyn smiled to herself. She was meeting Ashley for lunch on Saturday. Ashley wanted an update on how things were going for her and Marshall.

She was getting ready for bed when her phone rang. She picked it up and smiled as she saw Marshall's name on the screen. She answered it.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," he replied.

"What are you up to?"

"Nothin, just got back to the room. Just wanted to see how your day went."

"It wasn't too bad."

"That's good."

Madelyn chuckled. She was tired from her day at work. He sounded wide awake. She smiled as she listened to him tell her about the day he had spent practicing for his show. She lay down on her bed and relaxed.

"What are you doing?" he asked, suddenly.

"Just lay down in bed," she replied.

"Mmm, wish I could lay there with you."

She laughed at him, thinking that he was joking.

"Get some sleep beautiful. I know you got work tomorrow," he said.

"All right," she yawned.

"Good night."


She hung up. He went to find someone to take care of his problem that he had going on after talking to her. She had an effect on him especially after telling him that she was laying in her bed. He felt a little guilty about being with some girl on the road. It was a new feeling for him. He didn't usually feel that way even when he was talking to someone. Madelyn just seemed so innocent and scarred from everything that she had told him about. He didn't want to be the one to add to it. He was surprised that he was careful about how he talked to her.


Marshall was back home, and he was ready to see Madelyn. He had talked to her while he was gone. He went to her apartment. He didn't want to wait until it was time to pick her up for the date. He knocked on her door. She opened it. She looked surprised to see him.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I missed you."



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