Chapter 29

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He was laying on the couch when she came walking in chuckling. He looked over at her. She didn't let anything on, so he went back to watching ESPN.

"Marshall," she said.

"What's up?" he asked, looking at her.

"Look at this."

She showed him the article in the magazine that she was reading. He rolled his eyes at her.

"Why do you read that shit?" he asked.

"Because it's hilarious," she chuckled.

"It's stupid.

"Babe, you don't like finding out things about yourself?"

"Not that bullshit."

He shook his head. Madelyn laughed as she read the story about him and Kim. They were claiming that the two of them were getting back together. Madelyn sat down next to Marshall. She snuggled up into his side.

"Aww, baby do you not want me anymore?" she joked.

"Shut up, Madelyn," he said.

He leaned back on the couch and pulled her down against him. He pressed his lips to hers and quickly deepened it. She moaned into his mouth and ran her hand up his shirt. He shivered as her nails ran down his back. He pulled away from the kiss.

"You know damn well that I want you and only you," he said.

"I know babe, it's just amusing," she replied.

"Well stop, please. I don't like you thinking that something is happening."

"Marshall, I don't believe that stories in these magazines. Particularly about you. I mean I am here every single day and I know what goes on with us."

He nodded. She smiled and kissed him again. He pulled away after a few moments.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing, just trying to figure out how I landed you," he said.

"Landed me?"

"Baby girl, you are perfect. You know what I want in life and you are it."

"Marshall, things aren't always perfect. We will have arguments. I am almost sure of it."

"Nah, we could never fight babe."

"Yeah right, what about tour?"

"Mads, don't go there."

"My point exactly."

She rolled her eyes. He made a face and got up from the couch. She sighed as she lay there watching him walk away from her. They were preparing for the holidays and she didn't know what he wanted to do about them. He seemed to be getting distant now that he had her in his house with his last name. She had given up the apartment to move in with him completely and now even with his last name she was wondering if she had done the right thing. He seemed to think that everything was perfect but she didn't. She was beginning to feel lonely at home while he was at the studio all day. He had been home with her but he still locked himself away in the home studio. He barely came out for lunch or dinner so she knew that's where he had gone again. She got up from the couch and walked upstairs to their room.

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