Chapter 10

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When they returned to her apartment, he walked her to the door and kissed her again. She smiled at him. He scrunched up his nose and kissed her one more time.

"Be my girl," he said.

She gasped slightly. He tilted his head to one side slightly. She nodded. He smiled and slipped an arm around her waist to pulled her in for a final kiss of the evening.

"I'll call you tomorrow," he said.

She nodded. He winked and opened her door for her. She went in and watched him walk to his car. She locked up and went to bed. He went to the studio for a bit to work on some music. He sent a text to Ashley.

Marshall: you got your way

Ashley: what do you mean

Marshall: Mads is my girl

Ashley: I told you that you two are perfect for each other.

Marshall: whatever

Ashley: seriously though, I am happy for you both.

He rolled his eyes. He knew that she was going to message Madelyn the next day. He wasn't sure how Madelyn would react to that. He went to the house after finishing up the track in front of him.

The next morning, Ashley sent Madelyn a message.

Ashley: Little birdie says you and Marshall are an item.

Madelyn: you sound like a grandma.

Ashley: Whatever

Madelyn called her since she was trying to get ready to go to work.

"What's up?" she asked.

"I heard last night that Marshall asked you to be his girl," Ashley said.

"Yeah he did."

"How do you feel about that?"

"I'm happy about it. He's been pretty amazing with everything. I mean he hasn't pushed too fast and he's good with me being cautious about things with alcohol and there are no drugs around so there is nothing to worry about there."

"He's a good guy. He really likes you."

"I like him too."

Ashley squealed over her own matchmaking skills. Madelyn laughed at her. She headed out the door to get to work. She talked to Ashley the entire way and then hung up when she got to her job.

*one month later*

Marshall was having Madelyn come to the house for the first time. She arrived at the gate and gave her name to the security guard. She watched in awe as the gate opened for her. She drove up the driveway and shut off the car. She walked up the door. He opened and let her in.

"Is this real?" she asked, following him into the house.

He chuckled. She stared around his foyer in complete awe.

"Me being Eminem doesn't faze you at all, but my house is unreal?" he asked.

"Well yeah," she giggled.

He smiled and shook his head. Her innocence was refreshing. She looked at him. They had been officially together for a month now. He loved it. They had gone out on a double date with Ashley and Nate the night before. It was a relief to be able to go places in Detroit without much hassle because they just left him alone. He felt a lot better about things.

"Come on, I'll show you around," he said.

She nodded and followed him through the house. He showed her every room in the house, ending with his bedroom. Madelyn just laughed at him. They headed to his kitchen to get something to eat before settling in the living room to watch a movie. He pulled her over to one of the couches with him so he could hold her in his arms. She settled back against his chest as he picked out a movie for them to watch. He found himself liking it a lot.

"I could get used to this," he said.

"What?" she asked.

"Holding you and watching movies."


She was nervous. He could feel it. He was sure that she was thinking that he was going to take advantage of her. He gently kissed her cheek.

"Mads, I promise I won't hurt you," he said.

"I want to believe you so much," she whispered.

"I will show you."

She nodded slowly. He turned her head slightly to kiss her cheek and then moved to her lips. She returned the kiss.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked.

"What?" she was instantly on edge.

"I don't want you to get upset but I was curious. Why the conversation of adult toys had you so upset?"

"I guess I need to tell you more about what my ex did to me. He let his friends come over and do whatever they wanted with me and I wasn't allowed to say no."


"It was a messed up time in my life. I am glad that I finally left him. Ashley had been trying to get me to leave him for months and I just felt like I couldn't and I was stuck. She was always there for me through it all. He wasn't a good person at all. He called me everything but my name on a regular basis and would find any excuse to hit me and then tell me that it was my fault."

"Well that's not going to happen with me. I may slip up and be an asshole but I promise to try to never do that to you."

"Thank you."

He sealed the promise with another kiss. 

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