Chapter 33

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*Christmas 2013*

Madelyn had decorated the house with the help of the girls. Marshall chuckled at the fact that they had thrown some birthday decorations in as well for Hailie. She was officially 18. He couldn't believe that his daughter was now legally an adult. They all got up early to open gifts and enjoy homemade cinnamon rolls that Madelyn made. They were doing a huge Christmas thing with everyone later in the evening. Madelyn was working on making the supper for it already. She had gone all out for it. They were having the traditional meal this year. The whole house smelled like turkey and ham. She was ready to get everything else done as well. Marshall sat at the breakfast bar watching her for a moment.

"Babe, you know we could have catered this right?" he asked.

"That's not fun for the people who have to do it. They should be with their family as well," she replied.

"I agree but we could have had it done so we just needed to heat it up."

She made a face at him. He chuckled. She was already peeling potatoes for mashed potatoes later on. She was going to be letting them soak for half the day. He had to admit watching her move around the kitchen was fun. The girls came into the kitchen.

"It smells amazing in here," Hailie said.

"Figured what better for our first Christmas as an official family than a traditional Christmas meal," Madelyn said.

"That's awesome."

They had everyone over for their meal. It was a good time had by all of them. Madelyn was glad that they could all get together to celebrate Christmas and Hailie's birthday. They were all getting along quite well. Madelyn was in the kitchen when Kim walked in. She looked at the older woman who had held her husband's heart for so long.

"I'm glad that he finally owned his feelings for you," Kim said.

"What?" Madelyn was confused.

"The girls have talked about you for a while before he finally owned up to being in love with you. I am glad that he found someone."

"Thanks, I think."

Kim chuckled.

"It was definitely meant to be a compliment," she said.

Madelyn smiled. She wasn't used to having to interact with someone's ex but she had to admit to herself that it was kind of easy. Kim showed no ill will toward Marshall particularly when the kids were around. Kim took a seat at the breakfast bar. She hadn't really had any interaction with Madelyn prior to today.

"This was a nice evening," Kim said.

"I'm glad that you liked it," Madelyn replied.

"Thank you for inviting me."

"Of course, I think it's great that we were able to get the girls family completely together rather than them having to try to split time. We should all get to be with them today."

"I agree. I know you haven't known them long but my girls really like you. They tell me that you are good to them and their dad."

"I try to be."

Kim nodded. She was worried about one thing though.

"Have you and Marshall talked about more kids?" she asked.

"He doesn't want anymore," Madelyn replied.

"What about you though hun?"

"I don't know. I've never really thought about it to be honest. I mean I am in no position to be someone's mother. I didn't really have a mother myself."

"That sucks."

"It was kind of hard but I survived."

Kim nodded. Madelyn sighed.

"Have you talked about what you would do if it happened?" Kim asked, curious.

Madelyn shook her head. Kim looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Well listen, if you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to call me. I know I'm just his ex-wife, but that doesn't mean we have to hate each other," she said.

"Thank you," Madelyn replied.

Kim nodded. Madelyn had a lot of things running through her head now. She didn't for a moment think that Kim meant anything bad by what she had brought up.

Later that night, Madelyn was getting ready for bed. Marshall came into the room. She glanced at him. He smiled. She was brushing her teeth.

"What did you and Kim talk about today?" he asked.

"What?" she was thrown off by his question.

"When yall were alone in the kitchen,"

"Oh, she was just thanking me for inviting her. And letting me know if I needed anything I could come to her."


"Yeah, she was curious as to if we had talked about more kids,"


"Look, I know you don't want anymore kids and I am on birth control. We are all right Marshall. She was just curious as to what if since accidents happen."

He nodded, looking at her funny. She smiled at him. She walked out of the bathroom and turned out the light as she went. He was sitting on the edge of their bed.

"Relax," she said.

"It's weird," he said.

"What is?"

"My wife getting along with my ex-wife."

"Well get used to it because there is no reason for me to hate her at this point nor does that do any of us any good. She hasn't done anything to me or you as of now."

"She probably won't. She doesn't care who I'm with. It's about the girls."

"As it should be."

She kissed him. He pulled her down to the bed next to him. She smiled up at him as he leaned over her. He softly kissed her lips.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too," she replied. 

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