Chapter 19

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AN: Thank you all for your patience as I navigate this new journey in my life that I never dreamed of happening to me this young. I know how Kim feels with losing her mom. It isn't something I would wish on anyone.  Now on to the story!!!

 They were flying home on January 2nd after spending some time with Dre and explaining what had happened the night of his party.

"I don't even know Benzino got invited," Dre said.

Marshall shrugged. It didn't matter one way or the other to him. He was just pissed that the man felt he could comment on anything after cornering his girl the way that he had. Madelyn sat on the couch with Marshall as he talked to Dre. She stayed quiet, not wanting to get involved in it all or have to relive what had happened. She hadn't told Marshall everything that had been said to her. She didn't want to piss him off. He didn't need to deal with all of that. She leaned against his shoulder. He moved his arm to wrap it around her shoulders.

"So how did you two meet?" Dre asked.

"Ashley and Nate," Marshall said.


"Yeah, Ash actually set us up for a date and it's just kinda gone on for quite a while now."

"That's great though. You needed someone to settle you down."

Marshall chuckled. Dre watched the two of them for a moment. He was glad that Marshall seemed to be happy with the girl in front of him. She seemed to be there for Marshall rather than the fame which made him happier for his friend. Marshall needed that in his life.

January 2nd came quickly and they headed for the airport. Marshall was ready to get home. He wanted Madelyn all to himself again. He didn't want to share her or their story with anyone. He had made sure that Dre knew that they wanted to keep their relationship out of the media. Madelyn had her reasons as to why she didn't want the media to know anything about them and Marshall didn't care what those reasons were. He didn't hound her about going public and being in the media. He wanted her to be comfortable. Pictures popped up here and there but no one really questioned who the girl was when he was out with her. They just made their assumptions and moved on since no one from Marshall's team ever commented on it. Madelyn looked over at him as they sat down on their seats in the private jet. He leaned back and glanced over at her.

"What?" he asked.

"You ok?" she asked him.

"Yeah I'll be fine once I'm back in my city,"

She nodded. He was tense and she could see it. She knew that he didn't believe her when she said that the conversation with Benzino was short. She stayed quiet on their four hour flight home. He was in his own head and working on some music. She zoned out for most of the flight not even paying attention when one of the flight attendants asked her a question. This caught Marshall's attention. He watched her for a moment. She didn't even notice that he was staring at her.

"Madelyn," he said.

She jumped as she was brought back to reality. He was a bit worried about her. She looked over at him. He just watched her for a moment.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Huh? Nothing," she said quickly.

"You look a little panicked."

She shook her head. She was freaking out though. She was having flashbacks to how Corey treated her before she would end up getting a beating. He would completely ignore her leaving her to stew in her own misery knowing what was coming to her. She knew rationally that Marshall wouldn't do that to her but it didn't help her stay out of her head. He looked at her.

"Madelyn, what's going on," he asked her gently.

"It's just me," Madelyn said.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm struggling."

"With what?"

"I don't think you believe me."

"Should I believe you?"

"Marshall, I told you everything that happened with that man, and I wouldn't hide anything from you."

"Then we have no issue here."

She nodded slightly. He watched her for a moment.

"Madelyn, talk to me," he said.

She swallowed hard. His voice had changed to one of concern.

"Please?" he asked.

"My ex would hit me when he didn't believe me but he wouldn't say anything beforehand. He would just ignore me for a while and then it would come when he felt like it," she whispered.

"Madelyn, I wouldn't do that to you. I know you've been through some messed up shit, but I wouldn't do that."

She nodded as the tears began to fall.

"Marshall, I'm sorry. I am a disaster. I don't blame you if you can't put up with me," she said.

"Mads, I ain't leaving you," he said.


"Nah baby. I ain't a picnic myself. We are good."

He pulled her against her. She huddled into his chest. He ran his hands over her arms to comfort her. She fell asleep in his arms.

He held her during the flight back to Detroit. She slept all of it since she hadn't really slept the night before. She had been on edge all night. He gently smoothed her hair back out of her face and kissed her forehead. She looked peaceful against his chest. 

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