Chapter 24

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Marshall entered the room after the concert was over. He wasn't expecting her to still be there figuring she had gone to the hotel to cool down. She was in her phone ignoring him. He wanted to make it right but he didn't know how. He looked at her. She had tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes from crying but she seemed so calm that it was almost scary.

"What are you still doing here?" he asked, internally kicking himself the moment it left his lips.

"Working on getting a ride to the airport," she replied softly, not looking up at him.

"You leave tonight, don't expect to still live in my house."

"Of course not, I'm going home, to my place."

It irritated him further that she was so calm now. She hadn't even looked up from her phone to actually acknowledge him. She on the other hand was staring at the phone because she knew if she looked up at him, that she would break. She didn't want to do that in front of him.

"Well go somewhere else to get your shit together. I got people coming back here," he said.

"Fine," she stood up.

Her hand had just grabbed the doorknob when it opened. The same three groupies from the hallway entered the room. Madelyn's eyes finally met Marshall's. He could see the hurt and betrayal in hers. He wanted to grab her and never let her go. She turned and quickly walked out the door passed the three girls.

"Fuck, Madelyn," he called and went out the door after her.

"Just go have fun. I'll be out of your place by the time you get home. I'll give Nate the key to return to you," she choked out, trying to fight the tears.


She shook her head. She turned and walked away from him. He watched her go, feeling an ache in his chest. Once she was out of sight, he turned to go back to the dressing room. He entered the room and looked at the three girls. The blonde tried to push up on him again.

"Get out," he growled.

He removed the blonde's hands from his body and moved toward the back of the room. The three of them stared at him in shock. He had asked them to come back to his dressing room and now he was kicking them out.

"Get the fuck out," he yelled.

They scrambled from the room. He sat down on the couch in the room and dropped his head into his hands. Kicking them out didn't really matter now that Madelyn was gone. He sat there unsure of what to do and unsure of his emotions. Paul came into the room.

"Those bitches left in a hurry. Scare them off?" he asked.

"Kicked them out," Marshall replied, through his hands.

"Slim Shady kicks out girls throwing themselves at him."

"She's gone, Paul."

Paul's smirk dropped from his face.

"I know. You're gonna hate me, but I booked her flight for her," he said.

Marshall looked up at him. He chewed the inside of his lower lip and nodded. He couldn't be angry at Paul. He just hoped that Madelyn made it home safely. He knew she wasn't going to let him know and he was going to worry about it. He went to the hotel room that night and the only thought he had to was that he needed to contact his girls. This break up was going to affect them as well. He decided to call them.

Kim answered the phone.

"Hey, are the girls home?" he asked.

"Not yet, what's wrong?" she asked him.


"Marshall, I can hear it in your voice. What happened?"

Kim knew about Madelyn from the girls and she was ok with them being together.

"Madelyn came out here to spend the rest of the tour with me and we got into it. She hasn't even been here a day and she left. She said we're done," he said.

"What happened? What did you do?" Kim asked him.

"A groupie launched herself at me in the hall and kissed me. I didn't push the girl away until I felt Madelyn tap me on the shoulder. Led to a screaming match. I was an asshole afterward during the argument. Kinda felt like being with you again."

"Why wouldn't you push a groupie away?"

"Shock honestly. I wasn't expecting the girl to throw herself at me like that. I mean a hug is normal but this girl full on lip locked me."

"Marshall, you're an idiot. You just lost your girlfriend because you are an idiot."

"I guess. Fuck, Kim, she was so hurt and I just made it all worse. She is on a plane on her way home right now and she won't answer anything I send her."

"The groupie and the argument wasn't the only thing was it?"

"I might have had those same girls come back to the room after the show and they showed up right as she was leaving the room."

"Yeah you definitely fucked up."

"I know. What I don't understand is why I care at this point? She looked at me and I swear to you a part of me died."

"It's simple really. You love the girl."


"Yeah love. It's obvious that you broke your own heart when you broke hers."

Marshall was silent as he digested this information. It made sense. He had to fix it. He wanted her back.

"You're right," he said as the realization hit him.

"I know this," she replied.

"Now how do I fix it?"

Kim spent the next half hour giving him advice on how to fix what had gone wrong with Madelyn which was a bit weird for them both.

Marshall: Ash, let me know when she makes it home safely please

Ash: Don't you think you've lost that right?

Marshall: just do it please

Ash: you crushed that girl

Marshall: I know and I hate myself for it

Ash: I'll let you know when she's landed.

He sighed heavily. He wanted to go home and say fuck the rest of the shows but that wasn't something that could be done. He had to suck it up and finish the end of the tour. He had to do whatever he could to fix this mess. 

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