Chapter 21

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*March 17, 2013*

"What's your plan tonight?" Ashley asked Madelyn.

"We have Whit tonight, so I'm not sure," she replied.


Madelyn nodded. She didn't want to do something cutesy since Whitney was a teenager, but she wanted to celebrate the holiday. She wasn't sure what time that Marshall would be home from the studio, and he hadn't answered any of her text messages.

"Is Kim dropping her off?" Ashley asked.

"I don't know. Marshall hasn't answered anything I've sent him today," Madelyn said.

"Must be a busy day in the studio."

"Must be."

Madelyn looked at her friend. She was going to have to head to the house for Whitney to arrive since she didn't know where Marshall was and when he was coming home. She hugged Ashley before heading out the door. She pulled up to the house a few moments later and shook her head as she saw Kim already there waiting on her. Whitney climbed out of the car. Madelyn waved to Kim. The woman rolled down her window.

"You ok?" she asked.

"Yeah, just been a crazy day," Madelyn smiled.

"You guys have fun."

"Thanks Kim."

"Bye Whit."

Whitney waved as her mother pulled out of the driveway. They walked into the house together.

"What do you want to do for dinner?" Madelyn asked.

"No idea, Dad isn't home?" Whitney asked.

"Nope, he was in the studio today."

"Oh, well can we order pizza?"

"We sure can."

Whitney smiled.

"Come on kiddo, let's find something to do," Madelyn said.

"Sounds good," Whitney replied.

They were munching on pizza and watching movies when Marshall came in the door. He looked at the two of them and smiled. They were getting along quite well which made him happy.

"Hey babe," Madelyn spotted him.

"Hey princess," he leaned down to kiss her lips.

"How has your day been?"

"It's been good. Got a few tracks down today."

"That's good."

"Things go ok with drop off?"

"Yeah, I don't have any issue with Kim."

He nodded. She was glad that he was home with her and Whitney. She smiled at him. They snuggled up after they ate to watch a movie together. He was glad that he could count on Madelyn to be there to get his daughter without things going off the rails with his baby mama. He glanced over at Whitney. She was laying on the floor in a bean bag chair. He smiled. He liked it when his girls were around and that they all got along with Madelyn.

*March 31, 2013*

It was Easter. Marshall had the whole family coming to the house. Madelyn had been planning a lot of things and the menu for the day. She had an egg hunt for the smaller kids planned as well. He watched her as she moved around the kitchen. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Hey beautiful," he said.

"Hey handsome," she replied.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Getting everything ready. What are you doing?"

"Watching you."

He smirked at her as he watched her. She chuckled. Ashley and Nate arrived first with Audriana in tow. She grinned when she saw the little girl. Watching her with the child made Marshall wonder if she was ever going to want kids of her own. He felt guilty because he didn't want any more kids. He had the girls and that was all that he was prepared to deal with. He knew that they had talked about it and Madelyn had just nodded. She had been on birth control and he knew it. He couldn't help the feeling that he was putting her life on hold as he watched her with his niece. She turned toward him and smiled.

He gave her a small smile back. Her eyes clouded up and she frowned for a moment before the little girl pulled her attention back to her. Nate walked up behind his brother.

"You good over there?" Nate asked.

"Yeah, man. Why?" Marshall glanced at his younger brother.

"Looking a little like you wanna put a baby in that girl."

"Nah man, I am done with kids. I told y'all no more kids and no more weddings for me. It just ain't happening."

"Yeah right."

Marshall rolled his eyes as he watched his girlfriend and his niece. Ashley walked over to the two of them and smiled. The two women shared a simple look between them that had Marshall confused.

It was late that night that everyone left leaving the couple in the home alone. Whitney had gone back to her mother's that evening. Marshall watched Madelyn put the final touches on cleaning the kitchen. She sighed as she hung the towel up.

"You have fun today?" he asked.

"Yeah it was fun," she replied.


"Did you have fun?"

"I did."

She nodded. He smiled. They headed up the stairs to the bedroom. She went to get ready for bed. He followed her into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Marshall," she said.

He looked at her.

"You don't want any more kids do you?" she asked.

"Nope," he replied, honestly.

"That's what I thought and marriage is out for you as well?"

"Where's all this coming from?"

"I don't know. I was just thinking a bit today."

"Babe, we are good and I don't want to mess any of it up."

She nodded, as she brushed out her hair. Marshall watched her in the mirror for a moment as he continued to brush. Madelyn put down the brush and picked up her toothbrush. She put toothpaste on it and began to brush. Marshall finished up and headed out of the bathroom. Madelyn sighed. The thoughts in her head made her wonder if what she was doing with Marshall was the real deal or if it was just a game until he got bored. 

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