This is Kate

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I walk inside with Aurora while Kate had the twins and they were playing.  "Wanda I'm home I brought a quest" I said as I set the bags down.

"Hey where were you?" She asked, "Uhh I met a friend her name is Kate" I told her and she told Kate hi. "YN can I talk to you for a second?" she asked. "Uhh sure Rora go play on your Tablet, boys you can play basketball out back with Kate" I told them and they nodded.

"What's wrong?" I asked Wanda, "You just met someone and invited them over. What if she's a spy? " she asks. "Wands she's not" I said chuckling, "Yeah I don't trust her or her words" she said and I took her hands. "Do u trust mines?" I asked and she sighed. "You know I do, I just don't want anything bad to happen" she said and I kissed her.

"I know honey,but hey how about you read her mind" I told her and she nodded at the suggestion. "Let's get started on Dinner" I told her and she agreed..

We're making dinner while Kate and the kids are watching Television and Aylena started crying. "One sec hun" I said washing off my hands then wiping and I went to go for her but the crying stopped and I looked and saw Kate with her rocking her. I just stood there smiling and I nod and turned and continued cooking with Wanda.

Wanda's POV

I don't like Kate and I especially doesn't Like the way Y/N looks at her, after we finished preparing dinner everyone sat around the table eating. "So how was everyone's day?" I asked. "Me Mommy and Kate went to the beach to walk Kate's puppy she even let me named him Chase," my daughter said in excitedly.

"That's good honey, Aiden, Pietro how was your day?" I asked the twins. "It was great Kate taught us how to play basketball" and I nod "You'll have to teach me" I said to the twins and they nodded.

"So Kate I've heard all good things about you, How old are you?" I asked her  "Ohh I'm 26" Kate answered. She's just four years younger than YN, "What do you do for a living?" I asked.

"I work at a security company my mom passed it down to me, and uhh I'm an Archer" she responded. "Why-" I started but YN cleared her throat ." Wanda she's trying to eat," she said and I nodded and started eating as well. I then decided to read Kate's mind. Okay her life is pretty boring, wait she has a huge crush on YN? I then stopped reading her mind. "Do you know she has a huge crush on you?" I asked YN in her mind. "I know she told me" she responded. "And you're okay with it?" I asked. "Okay with what Wanda? her having a crush? What's the big deal? Thousands of people have a crush on me" she responded rolling her eyes. "Who has a crush on Mommy?" Rora asked. "Hmm nobody baby eat your dinner," I told her and she continued eating. 

After dinner, Aylena began crying, and I took her upstairs to change her, powder her, feed her, and then burp her. Once she was calmed down, I placed her in bed and started rocking her to sleep, humming a soothing melody to help her drift off. 


Kate and I are doing the dishes while the kids are upstairs brushing their teeth. "You guys were talking about me earlier at dinner weren't you?" she asked and I sighed. "I'm sorry but that's how my wife is she gets super jealous sometimes for no reason" and she laughed."Hey I get it you're pretty wonderful she just doesn't want to lose you, She read my mind?" She asked and I looked down and nodded. "I'm sorry" and she lifted my face with her fingers, "She just wants to keep her family safe It's totally understandable," she said and I just kept staring at her.

She reminded me of Wanda which is weird, we then heard Wanda clearing her throat and Kate removed her hand. "You started on the dishes?" she asked. "Yeah Kate offered to help," I told her and she nodded. "Uhh I'm gonna go it's getting late," Kate said drying her hand. "I'll drop you there" I offered and she nodded in appreciation.

"Mommy we're finished brushing," the kids say running down the stairs. "Yeah good job but Mama is gonna put you to bed I'm bringing Kate home," I told them "You're leaving," Pietro said sadly. " Yeah but If your Moms want I can come back and visit," Kate said looking at Wanda and me. I nodded in agreement as did Wanda and the kids and screamed in excitement "Off to bed now guys I'll be back," I told them taking Kate's hand and going to the car.

I drove to  Kate's place and when she was about to exit the car, she stopped and smiled at me. "Thank you for today, your kids are awesome," Kate said as she opened the car door. "They're not too much, are they?" I asked with a slight worry, but she assured me. "I absolutely love them," Kate replied, and we laughed. With her genuine appreciation, I knew we had a good start. "I like you," Kate added, "I'd love to be friends with you." I embraced her. "The kids like you too, especially Pietro. I think he's even crushing on you." Kate giggled, and I could see she was flattered. 

"I'll see you soon," she said, stepping out of the car. "What are you doing tomorrow?" I asked, curious about her plans. "I'm spending the day with Aurora," I continued, "would you like to join?" "Sure!" Kate replied, with enthusiasm. "Awesome, I'll pick you up," I said. We both smiled, eager to spend time together.

After pulling into my driveway, I silently walked into the house and was greeted by the sound of silence. As I made my way up the stairs, I stopped by Pietro's room to kiss his forehead before heading to Aiden's room to do the same. When I opened the girls' room, I noticed Aurora's teddy bear had fallen on the floor, so I picked it up and set it next to her. I then made my way back to my room, where I heard soft music playing from the bathroom. I stripped down and joined her.

"I would like to have at least one friend who you're not jealous over," I said, trying to reassure her. "I don't want to lose you," she replied, letting out a sigh. "But do you not trust me? I'm your wife, and we have four kids, Wanda. You can't lose me," I added, hoping to help her see my perspective.

Wanda nodded but then stopped herself. "But the look-" she started, but I interrupted her. "No buts, Wanda. I love you and only you. You have nothing to worry about," I said firmly, pulling her close to me for a kiss.

1175 Words

Falling for Wanda Maximoff Book 2Where stories live. Discover now