Aylena's Power

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I woke up screaming from a nightmare, trying to catch my breath and I turned to hug Wanda and she wasn't there. I laid trying to relax and after a while I calmed and took a deep breath and went and took a shower. I then walked downstairs to Wanda and Emily on the couch watching television and I walked back upstairs. Emily and Mike have been with us for a week now and It's not going well, only to me it seems because Wanda has no problem with them. Emily does nothing nor help with anything all she does is sit around and eat. Her son mike is an angel who doesn't cause problems and is best friends with Pietro and Aiden hell even Aurora likes them at least Aylena is on my side. I walked to Aylena's room and saw her trying to get out of bed and I lifted her up and she kissed my face. I giggled and so did she and we walked downstairs heading straight to the kitchen. I started preparing breakfast and Wanda and Emily walked in and I walked out and put on my little Pony for Aylena to watch and then walked back to the kitchen. "Good Morning" they both greeted, "Morning" I greeted back and Wanda was leaning in for a kiss when I moved away to the stove. She stood shocked for a second and I just continued breakfast and Emily walked to the living room.

I finished breakfast and shared it out and left it on the table. I then heard crying and quickly ran to the living room to see Aylena crying. "What did you do to my daughter" I asked angrily and took up Lena and she looked at me. "She wasn't paying attention to the television so I changed it" she replied and I started getting angry and Wanda walked in. "Hey what's wrong?" she asked and I scoffed. "She changed Aylena's cartoon to watch her stupid show" I said and Wanda looked at me.

"Hey no need for a fight babe maybe Aylena watches too many cartoons" She said. "Unbelievable"I responded, then quickly got the kids up and sent them to eat breakfast downstairs. After giving Aylena a bath, I picked up my credit card and car keys and started headed downstairs, but came across Wanda along the way.

"Hey where are you going?" She asked. "Well since my daughter can't use the television anymore I'm on my way to buy her a tablet" I said and she held my hands. "We said we would talk about any issues we have" she said and I brushed her hand off. "Good thing there is no issue so there is nothing to talk about" I said and she closed her eyes. "Don't" I warned her knowing she was gonna read my mind and I walked to the car and strapped Aylena in and I drove away.

After making our way to the store, I unbuckle Lena from her car seat and hold her hand as we walk inside. We then start browsing for an iPod for her, and begin looking for cases that may fit her preferences."Do you like this one bubs?" I ask and she shook her head no and we continued looking.

"Hey I was wondering if you guys have a Little Pony tablet case?" I asked one of the employees and they nod and went for one. "Thank you so much" I said and they smiled and After purchasing the iPod and case, we left the store. We then walked to a nearby grocery store, where I placed Lena in the shopping cart and finished my shopping trip. Once all the groceries were bagged up and loaded into the car, we headed to a nearby diner for breakfast, where we enjoyed some pancakes. After finishing our meal, we all went to the park for some fun and games.

"Hey bubs be careful" I told her and she nodded in approval and slid down from the slide. Excitedly, she clapped her hands and ran back to it for another turn. I sat and watched her with a smile on my face. She ran over and took my hand, leading me to the swing. I lifted her up and she handed me her teddy bear. I then swung her gently, causing her to giggle. She tapped my hand when she wanted me to stop, and I did so right away. When she got tired of swinging, she held my hands and we walked back to the car. She started jumping on the way back. 

 "Lena no" I said and she giggled and I went to pick her up but she jumped and fell. "Ow" she said and I crouched down. "Bubs" I said softly and looked at the cut on her knee and it started healing on its own. "Oh My God, Oh My God. That's your power" I said and she looked at me and touched her knee and I Picked her up, got in the car, and drove us home.

"What took you guys so long?" Wanda asked as we rushed inside. "We went shopping" I said and the kids came to help and we put the groceries on the table and I started making peanut butter sandwiches. I gave the kids and myself and lifted up Aylena and we walked to the couch. I sat down and put on FRIENDS and we sat watching it. "Mommy" she said and I looked at her. "You want your Bottle?" I asked and she nodded and I placed her on the couch and went to the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" I ask Emily who had the kids all dressed. "She is just taking them out to order pizza" Wanda responded and I glared at her. "I won't let anything happen to them I promise" She said and I rolled my eyes and called Aiden aside. "If anything happens I need you to teleport you, Pietro and Aurora home okay?" I said and he kissed my head. "Don't worry mom I know" He said and I smiled and they went in the car and I mixed Aylena's bottle and walked to the couch. I saw Lena  petting our cat which we decided to name Sparkle, yes from my little pony and I sat down and gave her the bottle.

She moved over to sit in my lap and I changed the show to cartoons and Wanda sat beside us and turned my face around. "It's obvious something is wrong so I'm all ears what's wrong, my love?" She asked and I sighed. "I know Mike is your nephew and you love him and I like the kid he's okay but I don't like his mother she helps with nothing. All she does is eat and sleep and she doesn't try and find a job she always ruins our moments and she changes Aylena's cartoons" I said and Wanda sighed.

"Love she is just-" she starts and I cut her off.  "Are you still In love with her?" I ask. "What?" Wanda responded. "Well everyone knows you never stop loving your first love and you're always making up excuses for her" I said and Wanda kissed me. "I never loved Emily, as I told you we mostly just kissed Y/N you are my first and only love okay and I never want to lose you and I will never stop loving you so I'll talk to Emily I'll even lend her some money so she can look for a job, rent an apartment and Mike can visit. I'll do anything to make you happy" Wanda said and I kissed her.

"Aylena has Powers" I whispered softly and she gleamed with excitement. "Really what is it?" She asked and I smiled. "she has healing powers" I said and she smiled. "Can I see it?" She asked and I nod and I just focused on today. "That's great" she said and kissed Aylena's forehead who by the way has all her attention on the cartoon. "Love why didn't you mention your nightmare?" She asked and I turned to her. "Didn't think it was necessary" I replied honestly. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to comfort you" she said and I kissed he.r "It's fine" I said and we kissed one more time and turned our attention to the television and she intertwined our hands.

1386 Words

For the next chapters ahead should it be Sad or Happy ?

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