Just us

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I woke up alone in bed and looked at the time and saw it was late. I jumped up and ran to the Kids room and saw it empty and walked downstairs to see Wanda playing tea party with Aylena. She was in a tiara and horribly done makeup.

I giggled and she looked at me. "Shut up" she said rolling her eyes playfully and I laughed. "Want mommy to play with us?" She asked Aylena and she nod and Wanda smirked and I sat down. We started playing tea and playing with her stuffies and then she stopped.

"What's wrong Lena?" I asked and she pointed to her belly. I got up and lifted her up and brought her to the kitchen.

Wanda walked in and I reached for the formula while Wanda went for her bottle and we mixed it and gave it to her. She held our hands and led us to the couch and we sat down apart leaving a space between us.

Aylena pushed our legs together and we scooted closer and she sat in both of our laps and started drinking. I turned on Little pony and she clapped happily.

I laid my head back and realized Wanda hands was there and I jumped surprised. I then got up and Aylena stretched for me and I kissed her and went upstairs.

I took a bath just lying downing in the tub clearing my mind. I'm not sure how long I was in there but my peace was disturbed by the opening of the door and Wanda walked in.

"Sorry I just need to grab something" she replied not looking at me and I just hummed.  I stared at her and our eyes met in the mirror and she took up what she needed and went outside closing the door behind her. I got out and took up a towel and then realised I left my clothes outside on the bed.

I wrapped the towel around me and walked out and Wanda was on the bed watching television. She turned and looked at me and looked at the television then quickly turned back to me staring. I blushed at this and started changing.

I then remembered the burn on my stomach and I looked down at it rubbing the ointment. I looked at her and she wiped away a tear and turned her attention back the television and I hurried and put on a blouse. "Where's Aylena?" I asked. "She's asleep" she responded and I sat beside her watching her favourite sitcoms.

Wanda's POV

As I laid my back against the head board shifting my focus from the the television to my Wife tears started falling and I quickly wiped it away. She had a huge burn mark just because of me, oh how much I wanted to hold her and kiss her. How I so wanted to let her know how sorry I am for hurting her countless of time and how I love her so much.

That I love her more than life it's self,Pull her on top of me hugging her, kissing her forehead telling her its okay be okay, that we're gonna be okay. I missed her so much and I'm just giving her some time before I apologize million of times  and kiss and cuddle in bed with her.

I missed her morning kisses and the way she cuddle into me at night resting her head on my chest. I messed up so bad and what scares me the most is that I'm not sure she'll forgive me. I'm not sure she'll believe how much I still love her. As I thought about this I realized I needed to take more action in showing my wife how much I actually love her. While she continued watching television I slowly moved closer to her and waited to see if she's uncomfortable and when she wasn't showing any signs I wrapped my hands around her.

I brought her closer to me resting her head on my chest and I stopped to see if she wanted to pull away and when she didn't I wrapped my arms around her and we continued watching the series.

DA couple minutes later our door opened and Aurora and Aiden came running in and jumped on our bed hugging us. "How was school?" Y/N asked hugging them both. "It was great and Peter brought us home from school" Aurora said excited and I smiled.

"Where's Piet?" I asked and Aiden stopped smiling. "He went to his room he's sad because someone was making fun of him today at school" Aiden answered. "What were they making fun of him saying?" Y/N asked.

"I don't know he won't tell" he replied. "How about you guys go change out of your school clothes and go watch some television" I said and they ran out. I got up and so did Y/N and we walked to his door and knocked. "Piet" I said trying to open the door. "Leave me alone" he shouted and Y/N and I was confused.

"Pietro opened the door" She said. "Go away both of you leave me alone, I hate you" he screamed and I used my magic and opened the door. Y/N ran to him going to hug him and he moved away. "What's wrong?" She asked me."You're both liars" He said and I was getting frustrated and Y/N put a hand on my thigh.

"Piet what did we lie about?" She asked patiently "You both lied saying you're my real moms" he said crying harder. "Honey we didn't lie" I said and Y/N went to touch him again and he moved. "Yes you did, Justin told me about how two woman can't make a baby and he's right everyone else has a mother and a father and I don't have a father" he said and A tear fell from Y/N's eyes.

"No honey we didn't lie you're our son we are both your mom-" Y/N started and he started getting upset. "Don't lie to me. You either adopted us or someone at the compound is our dad" he said and my heart broke.

"Pietro No, you're fully ours I loved your mommy so much that I want to have kids with her so I used my magic and your mother got pregnant with you and Aiden, all of you guys are 100℅ ours no one else has two moms because they don't have powers like your Mama" I said and Y/N held my hand.

"Is it true?" He asked Y/N and she nod and he slowly ran to us hugging us. I hugged him and Y/N. "I'm sorry" he said sniffling."Its okay, Its okay don't ever listen to what others has to say because they don't know our family" I said rubbing his back. "You've got both of our hair" Y/N said touching all of us hair.

"You have your mama's cute little nose" she said touching his nose and he did a little nose scrunch. "And you've gotten your mothers beautiful eyes" I said and looked at the both of them. "You've got your uncle's amazing powers" Y/N replied and I smiled and he hugged us again.

"I'm sorry I love you both" he said sobbing. "Its okay honey and We'll have a talk with Justin parents about the issue okay"  Y/N said and he nod and Y/N lifted him up. I held her hand and we turned about to walk out when we saw Aiden and Aurora at the door and they ran to us hugging us. I took up both of them and Y/N went to the girls rooms and came out with Aylena we all went downstairs and started watching a movie.

Y/N held my hand, resting her head on my shoulder and she let out a deep breath and I smiled.

1333 Words

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