An unexpected Guest

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"Pony! Pony! mommy Pony" I heard Aylena crying and got up fast. Oh My God she just said Mommy I thought and ran into her room and saw that her pony teddy had fallen off the bed. I picked it up and gave it to her and she continued crying. "Mommy, Mommy' she said and I lifted her up. "what's wrong?" I asked and she continued crying.

I walked to our room and as soon as she saw Wanda she hurried out of my hand and cuddled up to Wanda. "mommy" she said and I sighed and Wanda woke up. "mommy" Aylena repeated holding Wanda's face and she smiled tickling her. "did you just say Mommy" Wanda asked in excitement and Lena giggled. "Well she thinks you're called mommy" I sighed and Wanda giggled.

"Someone's jealous" she teases and I mocked her and she tackled us both into a hug. We all walked downstairs and Lena held out her hands towards me and I took her. "I'll make breakfast and her bottle as well" Wanda said and I kissed her and we walked to the couch and I played the ABC song and then of course, little pony. "my little little pony" Aylena said singing softly "You can speak" I said excitedly and she giggled and she pointed to the kitchen.

"You want water?" I asked and she nodded and I got up and walked to Wanda. "She was singing the Little pony theme song" I said and Wanda chuckled. "It shouldn't be surprising she said pony before she said mommy" she laughed and I nod along and then took up the water and brought it to Aylena. "Water can you say Water?" I asked, "Wabggjhdgg" she said and I laughed. I mean she at least got the "Wa" correct. I gave her the water and she drank most of it and then put it down and I then heard footsteps and saw Aiden coming down the stairs. "Hey Good Morning AJ" I said and Lena got up out of the couch and ran to him hugging him. "AJ, AJ,AJ" she screamed in excitement and he picked her up and I smiled.

"Breakfast is ready" Wanda said and Aiden walked to the kitchen with Aylena and and I walked upstairs to wake Pietro and Aurora. "hey bubs" I said lifting her up and she cuddled into me and I walked to Pietro's room. I woke him up then picked him up and carried them both to the kitchen and Wanda kissed their heads and I kissed her. "I have the day plan for just us if you're up for it" she said and I looked at her and held her hands and we walked to the living room.

"Yeah? What do you have planned?" I asked. "A date night and we will ask Peter to babysit" She said nervously and I sat on her lap and nodded kissing her and she smiled. "Mom Aylena wants water" Aurora said and I got up. "can't wait for that date" I said and she giggled smacking my butt and I smirked. I took the cup of water and she shook her head no, "right I forgot" I said and got her a new cup of water. She smiled and when she finished it she reached for me and I picked her up and walked to the couch and she went to Wanda "traitor".

"Please take care of them, If anything goes wrong call us, the house has Tony's AI system upstairs in our room t-" I start. "Y/N we have babysit before we know. It's gonna be okay, go out and have fun" he said and Wanda giggled. "Again thank you Peter and MJ" she said thanking them and I kissed our kids forehead. "Also guys please do not lose the pony" I begged and Wanda nod in agreement and we walked out and went to the car. As we got in Wanda leaned over and captured me in a kiss and I smiled and it started getting more heated and I broke away. "Woah slow down we haven't even made it out of the drive way yet" I breathed out and she giggled. "I'm sorry I just missed this" she said and I smiled and we drove off.

"Wands eight years and you still remember where we went for our first date" I said in awe and we got out. "I do" she said and I smiled and we held hands and walked inside. As we sat down I sparkled up a conversation, "So what should we talk about?" I asked, giggling. "I mean we know literally everything about each other" she said and I nodded in agreement. "Okay how have you been? How are you feeling at times? We live together and we rarely really ask each other" I asked and she smiled. "Okay the past month has been stressful with Aylena teething it has been a lot of crying but we did sign up for this, how have you been?" she asked.

"It's always been stressful Aylena teething, the constant crying. I have to take Aiden to Bruce Tomorrow he's saying he can't see straight. Pietro and his bestfriend had a fall out and Aurora think we are giving Aylena all the attention but as you said the moment we knew I was pregnant and we kept it we signed up for it" I breathed out and we ordered. "Do you regret it?" she asked and I held her hands. "Not one bit and I'm so glad I met you because you are the best thing that happened in my life and because of you I have four beautiful but stressful kids," I said chuckling at the end and she took my hand and kissed it.

"I would go back and fix my mistake but I wouldn't change anything else because I love you" she said and I smiled. "Promise me if anything comes between us no matter how bad it looks we will always hear the other out" I asked and she nod and our food came and we ate and talked and laughed.

"Do you remember when we just started dating and we were sneaking around and we went downstairs in the pool together one late night and we were both naked and we heard someone coming towards the pool and started freaking out until you remembered you could teleport" she asked and I smiled nodding. "Yeah I remember that, but do you remember when you were sick and I could not leave the room? like literally, you trapped us in the room so I could spend the whole day cuddling with you and we had to tell everyone that it was contagious so we had to quarantine our self and they believed" I asked and she laughed.

"I do, I do remember that" she said and I smiled. "The best memory was when you proposed. The twins were so small and adorable and the way you did was just so romantic" I said and she smiled. "My best memory was watching you give birth to our kids" she said and I kissed her and after we were finished with dinner we started heading towards the car.

"Do you think they are asleep?" she asked and at the same time someone called Wanda's name and we both turned around. "Hey oh my god, It's so good to see you again" the woman in front of us said. "Oh my god Emily it's been so long" Wanda said and they hugged. "Well this is my son Mike, Mike this Wanda and ?" She asked,  "Right Emily this is my wife Y/n, Y/N this is Emily my ex."

1277 Words

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