I Don't think I can forgive you

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"I can't believe your lover has our kids, you win for the most crazy girlfriend" I said putting on my suit and grabbing some weapons and Wanda stopped me. "Hey I know your angry but stop calling her my lover or girlfriend because I only have one lover and that's you and no girlfriend just my wife which is you and when we defeat her we will fix whatever this is between us okay" she said.

I picked up a gun and walked outside and she sighed walking outside as well and she held my hand and I teleported us to the place, "You guys met at a field?" I asked Wanda looking around and she didn't say anything. I looked and saw Emily at the top of a bunch of stairs with my kids and I teleported there and she was gone and I teleported back to Wanda "What just happened?" I asked her. "Illusions" she answered and Emily walked until the field and I look to my kids who were Kneeling with their hands bond together and I turned to Wanda.

"I don't think I can forgive you for this one" I said and then I teleported to Emily and grabbed her, teleporting us both away from the kids. I pulled out a knife, aiming for her chest, but she was able to block it. I then attempted to strike her in the neck, but she managed to hold my hand, In order to gain the upper hand, I dropped the knife,letting it fall into my other hand. I managed to stab her in the knee before she head-butted me and kicked me away. I lay on the ground, groaning in pain. I looked up just in time to see Wanda trying to break whatever Emily put on our kids.

As I regained my composure, I got up and realized that I needed to keep Emily busy. I watched as she removed the knife from her knee, and then ran her fingers over the wound, causing it to heal. I closed my eyes and thought about Emily hurting the kids and I opened my eyes to see my whole body on fir.e "Nice" I said and started shooting fire blast at her and she dodged and started running towards me.

I put my hands together and blasted her and she was thrown across the field and I looked and the kids were gone and Wanda came beside me. I looked around and couldn't see Emily. "Why are you doing this?" Wanda asked. "Is it not obvious I still love you Wanda" Emily said still invisible and I tried turning invisible and it didn't work, great. "We could have had a family but you went away joined the stupid avenger and met another girl" she said and Wanda eyes started glowing red. "Also props to you Y/N for always sticking around because Wanda had hurt you so much, that's what really gave me hope in completing the mission because of your Wife not loving you that much" she said and Wanda turned to me.

"Hey don't listen to her the only reason she got this far was because she took advantage of my grief she used Pietro okay" she said and I looked away from her. "Did she tell you why I chose this field?" She asked. "This is where your Wife first told me she loved me and that I will forever be her one true love" Emily said chuckling and I looked at Wanda. "You told me you didn't love her and that your relationship with her was mostly about pleasure, you lied again" I said and Wanda shook her head. "No, No she's lying" Wanda said  and Emily appeared and threw me and kicked me into the ground. When Emily attempted to punch me, she was unexpectedly lifted off the ground and into the air. After that, she was tossed back down onto the ground, hard. Suddenly, she flew up into the air along with Wanda, and the two started exchanging  blasts at each other.

Wanda's POV

"Can't you see I have already won. Your Wife doesn't trust you and you're gonna lose your marriage" Emily said and I flew to her punching her and she blasted me back. I used all the energy I had and blasted her thinking she would fall but she absorbed it. "What.. how did you do that?" I asked and she chuckled and threw the blast back at me. I got knocked down onto the floor and I tried getting up  when she put her foot on my chest and started draining my powers.  Y/N tackled her to the ground punching her and she kicked Y/N over and I tried getting up but I couldn't. Emily got up and Y/N shot her and Emily dropped to the ground kneeling and she put her hand in the wound and took out the bullet and then healed her self. "That hurt" Emily said and Y/N gun exploded throwing her back and I looked at my Wife's face and I decided I had no other choice now.


"You're gonna pay for that" she said and I started being lifted into the air and Emily flew up beside me. "You don't deserve Wanda" she said and I pressed the button on the control and the gas exploded hitting both of us which led to her letting me go. I dropped to the ground barely able to move. "What happened what did you do?" Wanda asked me. "I put a temporary strain on her powers,she should be weakening any moment now" I answered back and Emily appeared to be even more upset, and snapped her fingers. In an instant, Aylena was transported into her grasp, and they instantly found themselves on the top of a building. Emily, holding Aylena over the edge.

"Noo!!!!" I screamed and Wanda got up and said something in a language I couldn't understand and she flew up to where Emily was and when she almost reached, Emily let go of Aylena. I started crying and tried moving but nothing was working and Wanda turned and started flying down towards Aylena and Aylena started flying towards Wanda. Wanda caught her and flew her to me. "I'm gonna end this" she said and I hugged Aylena kissing her head sobbing and Wanda flew away to Emily.

Wanda's POV

"You almost cost me my daughters life" I screamed at her and blasted her draining her powers. "Stop, what are you doing?" Emily asked crying out in pain and I concentrated and the signs appeared in the sky and I started feeling different and I looked down and saw my clothes changing and I smiled embracing all the magic. "No No you turned your now a.." Emily started and "Scarlett Witch" I said smirking. "It's over for you now" I said ready to blast her again. "Well then one final trick" she said and snapped her finger and nothing happened. "It didn't work" I said and she smiled.

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you" she said and pointed towards Y/N and I fire ball was headed towards her and I was about to help but she turned Aylena around from the impact and it hit Y/N and  she fell. "No!" I screamed out and turned back to Emily and she was gone. I flew to Y/N and her head was in Aylena's lap and Aylena was crying shaking her. "Mommy" she said shaking her more and I knelg down taking her head from Aylena's to hold in mine. "No!No!No! This can't be happening I'm sorry I'm so so sorry please wake up" I tried using my power. I tried everything and she wouldn't wake up.

1285 Words

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