Kate's birthday

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It's been four months since we got back together.  Everyone was super excited and happy. I found out Tony paid the waiter to flirt with me and then they all bet on Wanda response and Natasha won. Wanda and I have been stronger than before and we do and tell each other everything and I'm happy. Pietro and Aiden are 7 years old, Aurora is four years old and Baby Lena is one year and four months, which mean Wanda and I have been married for 6 years and we have know each other for 7 which is pretty good.

Aylena started walking and recently she learned a new word PONY. Seriously pony she didn't even say Mama or mommy. She's really into little pony, she has a little pony teddy bear which she can't go anywhere without. We went to the park with her and she woke up and didn't see it and it was immediate crying. We had to drive home for it and then back to the park. She also has this thing, she cannot finish a full cup of water. When she's close to the bottom of it she leaves it and asks for more. She is definitely the sassy one out of all our kids and she's not even two as yet. Tony and Bruce can't figure out what happened to my powers and it's kinda freaking me out but I try not to let it.

"What are you thinking about?" My Wife asked sitting on my lap holding my face and I held her hands. "About how you're ruining both of our dresses and we are late for Kate's birthday" I said and she rolled her eyes. "Fine if you don't want to spend time with your Wife" she said getting up and I laughed and pulled her back down. She smirked and kissed me, when I realized she was gonna turn it into a make out session I stopped her. |

"Lets go we are late" I told her and she rolled her eyes. I got up putting her on the ground and fixing our dresses and we walked downstairs and saw the kids and Peter and MJ as well.

"You look beautiful" Pietro said to Wanda and I. He and Wanda mended their relationship a few months ago. When we came back from the vacation he still refused to speak to Wanda but they talked it through. She apologized and slowly he started missing her and they made up. "Thank you Piet" We both said and I looked to Aurora. "Bubs don't cry we will be home soon we are just gonna visit Kate for her birthday" I said kissing her face.

I looked at Aiden and he hugged us and then went on his Nintendo. Aylena sat in the living room cuddled up to her teddy watching of course, little pony and we kissed her forehead. "Again thank you so much for watching them for us" I said to Peter and MJ. "It's no problem really," MJ replied. "Yeah we don't mind" Peter said and I smiled. "Also don't let them stay up, For Aylena just warm up her bottle and give it to her and she will fall asleep right there with the teddy. Also the main rule, don't lose her teddy!" I said and Wanda giggled. "Honey they got it come on" she said and I told them good bye and picked up Kate's present and we drove to Kate's party. 

We stepped out of the car holding hands, "Are you okay?" Wanda asked and I nodded. "Yeah yeah I'm good" I said and she kissed me and we walked in. "Hiii!" Kate squealed when she saw us. "Hi Happy birthday" I said hugging her. "Happy birthday Kate" Wanda said and Kate thanked us and then held both of our hands bringing us more into the room.

Our night was great and Kate had amazing friends that were super funny. "Sooo are you single?" One of them ask touching my hands and I removed it, lifting it up showing my ring. "I'm married" I said and she backed down and I turned and saw my wife. She pulled me into her kissing me and I smiled loving jealous her.  We walked over to Natasha and Yelena and saw Yelena staring at Kate. "Why haven't you made a move yet?" I asked her and she sighs. "What if I mess up our friendship and I lose her,I don't even know if she likes girls" Yelena say and Wanda chuckles. "She's into girls alright" Wanda says and we all look at her. "She was into you remember" she whispers and I nod.

"Why don't you just ask Wanda to look inside her mind and see if she likes you El?" Natasha asks, "Because I don't want to invade her privacy like that" Yelena answered and I gave her hand a gentle squeeze and she looked at me and smiled.

After our talk with Yelena I went for drinks and lost Wanda. I sat waiting for her because I told her I will be at the bar. An hour later here I am super drunk, I don't even know how many drinks I've had and my head starts feeling a little light headed. I can't even make out anyone's face or voice. "Are you done for the night?" The bartender ask and I said yes and he laughed. " I knew you couldn't handle it" he said and I got offended. "You know what keep them coming" I said and he laughed and started handing me more drinks.

Wanda's POV

I started getting extremely worried now that my Wife has been gone a long time. I excuse myself from some quest and head for the bar remembering that's where she told me she would be. I spot my wife doing a drinking contest and just by the looks of it I know she's drunk. I shake my head walking over to her. "Babe you're drunk, lets go home" I said taking her hand and she removes it. "Get Off I have a Wife" she said and I had to stop myself from laughing.

"Sweetheart I'm your wife" I said and she shook her head no and after ten minutes of me trying to convince her I saw that she was getting sleepy. "Love, you look tired come on" I said and she sighs. "I want to sleep so I'm gonna come with you but be warned it won't take more than five minutes for my Wife to realize I'm gone and she's gonna kill you if you try anything" she says and I smiled.

"Who says your Wife can stop me?" I tease and she laughs "My Wife is the strongest person ever and no one can stop her. She will find me once she sees I'm gone" she said and I awwed. "Okay let's get you home to sleep" I said holding her hand and she removed it. "Only my Wife can do that" she says and I giggle. We reached the car and she walked inside, "I'm giving you ten minutes until she finds me" she said and I chuckled.

We arrived home and I looked back and saw that she was asleep so I picked her up and walked inside. I went straight to our room resting Y/N down on the bed and then going downstairs. I saw Peter and MJ asleep on the couch and Aylena, She was still up watching little pony.

I giggled and picked her up and then woke up Peter and MJ. "How are you still up?" Peter asked Aylena. "Its her regular habit sometimes she can't sleep if either me or YN isn't cuddling her but thank you guys so much for watching them for us," I said and they nod taking up their stuff.

I went into my purse and took out three hundred, "Wow that's a lot and it's okay, You don't need to pay us they are like my nieces and nephews" Peter said and I shook my head. "No Peter , you guys deserve this I know the kids are a lot of work" I said and he slowly took it and he and MJ split it. "Again thank you guys, would you like if I dropped you home?" I asked them. "No thanks I'll get us home" Peter answered. "Are you sure?" I asked and he chuckled saying yes and I told them goodnight and turned the television off. I walked upstairs with my daughter and then went and checked on the boys and they were fast asleep and I checked on Aurora next.

I walked into our room and used my powers to change me and YN into bed clothes. I then laid down and our daughter went in between both of us and I kissed her nose. "Go to bed" I said and she cuddled up to me like a koala bear and I smiled and pulled Y/N closer to us and we fell asleep .

1433 Words

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