An explanation

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I woke up in the middle of the night wrapped in Wanda's arms and I'm not gonna lie I missed her and this feeling. I slowly removed myself and took up extra clothes and  walked to the pool that was at the hotel and slowly got in swimming around to ease my thoughts. I heard footsteps and slightly jumped because I was frightened and I looked up and saw Wanda talking off some of her clothes leaving her  in a sports bra and shorts and she came in to the pool and swam beside me.

"Wanda I'm giving you a chance to explain" I said softly and she smiled. "And don't lie to me because I know strange didn't send you on a mission" I said and she nodded. "A few months ago I started receiving threats, and pictures of us at different place whether its at the kids school or even where we go for ice cream which meant we were been watched, along with the pictures. I got a note saying it's time for revenge and I immediately knew who it was. I had enemies before I met the Avengers Y/N and I did people wrong and one of them wanted back revenge so he was gonna come for you guys. I tried to stall a bit because I didn't want to leave before Christmas, that day in the kitchen when I told you my speech earlier I received pictures of inside our house which meant you guys were in greater danger, So I had to stop them. I didn't want you to worry or scare our kids so I lied and said I had a four month mission. I had to travel to Russia to hunt down the boss the one I had done wrong, not knowing his exact location made me go through a lot of guards and places. I couldn't  call you because my phone was bugged so I borrowed a burner phone and texted you. When I found the boss , I tried to bargain with him telling him I'm no longer like I was before but he didn't care hydra caused his family to be dead and he held me accountable for that seeing as I read his mind and gave them everything.I got shot but I still defeated him,Not knowing if I would make it I shipped of Aylena's birthday present wanting for you to know how much I love you guys" she said and tears started to stain my cheek.

" I went to a hospital and made it home in time for Lena's birthday, the day I left you asked if it was a world ending mission and Y/N it was because you guys are my world so when you said we would get a divorce I already knew my choice because I would rather know you're still in this world even if were not together than rather not having you living" she finished and then put her hand to my forehead showing me that all she said was true and I started crying harder.

"What's wrong?" She asked. "I treated you so bad when you came home I ignored you and all you ever did was protect us" I said and she placed her hand on either side of my face. "I totally understand your reaction, I left you guys alone without a good explanation. I would have done the same, even worse especially after I knew Strange didn't send you on a mission and I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you guys when I left. I'm really sorry" she said I shook my head.

"I should have listen to you I-" I started and she kissed me and I relaxed after weeks,months I finally got to feel her soft lips on mine and the kiss was soft we didn't rush we just captured the moment and I smiled and we pulled apart. "No more lies and I know I have screwed up a million times but one more and last chance is all I'm asking for" she said and my smile dropped. "I did something bad" I whispered to her and she lifted up my face so I could look at her. "I won't be upset I promise" she said and I sniffled. "I shouted at our kids got drunk and kissed Nat" I said and looked down not wanting to see her face.

"It was only for a second, I swear. I didn't mean to, I was sad,drunk lonely and I missed you but we pulled away immediately I-" I said rambling and felt her kiss me and I calmed down. "Its okay and thank you for telling me, speaking of kids. I still have to make it up to Pietro" she said and I nod, "Is it that bad ?" She asked and I mumbled a yes and she kissed me again.

"But different from that, I like how everyone set us up with the seating and bed arrangements" she said and I laughed. "Even our kids were in on it they pulled a parent trap on us" I said and she giggled. "I love you" I said staring at her and she smiled. "I love you more" she said and  I giggled at her now shivering form. "Let's get out of the pool" she said and hopped out and then pulled me out with her.

"What happened to your arm?" She asked when she lifted me out, "It got bruised" I said chuckling stating the obvious. "I know but how did you get it?" She asked and I held her hands. "When we were arguing going into the kitchen you gripped my arm a little too tight" I said and she looked sad. "Hey its okay, you didn't mean to and you were upset" I said and she frowned. "Still doesn't give me a right" she said and I kissed her face.

"You're adorable, really it's okay" I said and she held my wrist up to her face and kissed it and I giggled. "God I missed you so much" she said and I hugged her. "I missed you more.I missed your morning kisses. I missed your arms around me at night. I missed our soft baths, and I am sorry that I didn't let you explain" I said and she smirked. "I know a way we can make it up to each other" she said and I smirked. "Yeah how?" I asked and she whispered in my ears. "Make up sex" and I looked at her smirking face while she got up. "If you reach first I'll let you top me" she said and I sat down and she laughed and picked me up kissing me all the way there.

1120 Words
I decided this chapter should just be about them so yeah
We are finally back together after 9 torturing chapters❤

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