We're gonna be okay

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I woke to mumbling and Wanda's hand around me and her head on top of mine. "I can't wait for you to know how sorry I am and I decided I won't just be apologizing I'll be showing you. I keep on breaking apart our family and I'm so stupid because I would do anything for you guys happiness and because of my stupid grief Emily hurt you and nearly did the same to our daughter. I love you with all my heart Y/N and I'm sorry" she said and when I was about to say something our door opened.

"Shh Mommy is asleep" Wanda said to Aurora and she came and laid beside me. "Mommy wake up!" She whispered kissing my face. "Aurora no don't wake her" Wanda giggled and I opened my eyes. "You woke her" Wanda said tickling her and I hugged Aurora and then removed my self from Wanda's arm and walked to the kids room.

"Boys wake up school" I said waking them both up. I then gave Aurora a bath and she was smiling. "What are you so happy about?" I ask and she giggled. "You and Mama are back together I say you hugging and sleeping" she said and I kissed her forehead and splashed her with the water and she laughed. I finished getting her ready and The boys were ready as well and I walked into Wanda's and I room. "The kids are ready I'm gonna go have a shower and you can go make breakfast" I said and walked into the bathroom and took a bath.

After showering I walked downstairs and saw the kids lined up ready to leave. "You guys finished early" I Said and kissed their foreheads. "Okay lets go" I said grabbing the car keys and then we got in the car and I drove them to school. "See you guys later" I said hugging them and we said goodbye and they ran inside and I drove home.

"I expected to be greeted by crying Aylena is still asleep?" I ask Wanda who was sitting around the kitchen table. "Yep she was up until 1 this morning watching cartoons. I woke up and came downstairs for water and saw her in the couch" She said and I smiled. "I made your favourite breakfast" Wanda said walking towards me. "You did!? thank you" I replied turning around and she was just an inch away from me.

"Can I touch you?" She asked and I nodded and she held both of my hands and rest her forehead on mine. "I'm so sorry for-" Wanda started but got interrupted by Aylena crying.  I stepped back and removed my hand and went upstairs. "Hi" I said said picking her up and walking downstairs."I'll take her so you can eat" Wanda said and I gave Aylena to her and sat down ready to eat then chuckled.

"You made paprika" I said and she looked at me. "I thought you said you loved Paprika when we just started dating" she said putting Aylena in her chair with her bottle and then coming to sit beside me. "I only told you that because it was the only thing you could cook" I answered laughing and she rolled her eyes ready to walk away. "Whatever" she said and I held her hand and brought her to sit on my lap."I do love it though its just not my favorite" I said and she looked into my eyes and I realized what I just did and I let go of her hand.

Aylena giggled and Wanda got up and picked her up. "You're all finished" she said talking in a baby voice and then sparkle came in. "I haven't seen you in awhile" I said lifting her up and she started meowing. "I asked Peter to take care of her while we were at the compound" Wanda answered and I went to her food bowl and filled it up. "Kitty" Aylena said and I smiled. "Yes kitty" I answered and took her from Wanda. "Let's give you a bath" I said and walked upstairs.

After giving Aylena a shower and letting her watch coco melon she laid down on my  chest and she fell  asleep. I placed her on the bed and then walked downstairs and sat in the couch and saw it was raining really hard.

"How are we gonna pick up the kids" I asked Wanda who was now sitting beside me. "They have 2 more hours until school is finish we have time" I said and she held my hand. "Y/N I am so sorry for all I have done to upset and hurt you the past couples years, Before you went into a coma the last thing you said was You don't think you would ever forgive me and everyday while you slept I thought about that, blaming myself and I never meant to intentionally hurt you but for some reasons I always am and I'm so sorry I have no excuses. I was wrong I should have listen to you. I should have kicked Emily out. I should never let our relationship slowly drift apart. You're my world and I know you're probably tired of hearing these same excuses and apologies but its the last time its happening because I am never ever ever gonna hurt you again. I need you to give me a chances to show you that I have missed you so much. I miss your cuddles, your morning kisses, the way you used to look at me with so much love.I miss your laughs especially when I would do something stupid and you would start laughing. I love taking relaxing showers with you after we have had an stressful day. I miss us singing karaoke in the car. I miss staying up and watching  movies with you. I miss it all, I miss you" she said and I smiled.

"I owe you an apology as well. I knew the only reason why you let Emily stay was because of Pietro and because you have never really healed from losing your twin. I should never doubted our relationship and I'm also kinda responsible for letting our relationship drift apart. I'm also sorry for letting Bruce test Aylena with needles I know how you feel about them and the reason why and I should never done that to Our child without your permission. I miss you as well and I do want to give our relationship another chance and I still look at you with love" I replied and she held my face and brought me in for a kiss. "Thank you" she whispered and then Aylena started screaming not crying

"Something is wrong" I said getting up and running to her room. "She's on fire" Wanda screamed. "I know she has my fire power, Bubs listen to me its gonna be okay calm down" I Said and she started crying. "She's not hurt she is just scared" I told Wanda and slowly approached her and she reached for Pony and it set on fire.

Wanda lifted it up with her power and started putting it out. "Hey hey its okay come here" I said and opened my arms and she ran to me and I thought I wouldn't feel it but she was burning me.  "Shh... I got you" I said and she calmed down and went back to normal. I held her rocking her and Wanda left the room and came back with some creams and bandages and I looked down at Aylena and kissed her forehead.

"I thought I wouldn't feel the burn" I said to Wanda while she rubbed the ointment on the bruises."I know, its because you're not fully  better your powers hasn't fully return" she said and kissed Aylena's forehead. "Its okay now" she said hugging her as well and then kissing me. "We're okay" she said and we just stayed like that until Aylena fell asleep.

"I was so scared " I admitted hugging Wanda while looking down at Lena. "I know, so was I did Bruce tell you all of her powers?" She asked and I shook my head no. "No I told him I would speak to him after we defeated Emily" I answer her and then I looked at the time.

"Its still raining and we are late to pick up the kids" I told her and we walked downstairs. "I'll get them don't worry" she said and then suddenly the kids appeared in front of us. "It was raining so I got them home" Aiden said and I smiled. "Thank you Aiden now lets get you guys dry" I said and they ran upstairs, with Wanda and I following.

After getting them dried off and into dry clothes I walked downstairs to make some sandwich. "Aylena's pony is burnt" Aurora said, her and Wanda coming down the stairs. "I know bubs" I said and she handed it to me.

"It's just the hand, when it stops raining I'll hurry and buy a new one" Wanda said and I held her hands. "One problem after another" I said sighing "But we'll be okay because we have each other and we're gonna get through this" she said and I kissed her. "Yep"

1556 Words

Falling for Wanda Maximoff Book 2Where stories live. Discover now