Family Vacation

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As the children excitedly informed us of our upcoming family vacation, I immediately called up Tony to confirm the details. However, despite knowing about the trip, somehow none of us was able to start packing, and we were now scrambling to get everything in order at the last minute. When I finally finished packing my own suitcase and helping the kids with theirs, we walked down to the truck, with Wanda jumping up to help me load everything inside." Kids we are ready, If you aren't  down in five seconds we are leaving without you" I said going down the stairs and then saw Aiden teleported all three of them in front of me and I laughed. "Are you guys ready?" I asked and they nodded. "Lets go then" I said and we walked to the car and I strapped them in and sat waiting while Wanda closed all the doors and windows and then she came in and I started driving.

As we arrived at the compound, we were greeted by a large van and people carrying their luggage to it. I grabbed Aylena and three of the bags, placing them in the van while Yelena greeted us. Taking Lena from me, she asked how I was doing, and I shrugged and admitted things could be better. After everyone loaded their luggage, we all got into the van. I sat down at the end of the right-side row, with Wanda sitting at the other end with the kids. When Peter asked if the boys would like to sit with him, they jumped at the opportunity. Aurora, however, wanted to sit with Natasha, so she shifted places with her sister. I looked at the empty space between me and Wanda, then looked away.

"I'll sit beside Wanda" Bucky answered and I thought he was gonna sit in the space in the middle but he gently pushed Wanda over and sat in here spot which now led to me and Wanda being really close.Everyone in the van, including Natasha, seemed to find the situation amusing, which left me feeling somewhat uncomfortable. As Tony got in and began driving, my eyes grew heavy with sleepiness, eventually forcing me to close them and rest my head on the window. 

I woke to someone gently shaking me and I opened my eyes and realized my head was now on Wanda's shoulder and her arms were around me. I tapped her hand she removed it and I took my head off of her shoulder and every one got on to the plane and some assistant came and took our bags. I stayed back to talk to Bruce and Tony "I know we are on vacation but when we reach home I would like to have a check up" I said and Bruce looked at me. "Are you pregnant?" He asked and I looked at him shocked, "What! no I'm not why would you assume that?" I asked and he shrugged. "You mostly come to me if you're pregnant or giving birth" he said and I rolled my eyes. "Well I'm not pregnant, it's about my powers" I said and him and Tony said okay and agreed to see me after our vacation. I went to the plane and saw only one seat and I sighed and she left the window seat for me knowing how much I love to sit there.

After 9 hours of flying me falling asleep 7 hours in, I woke up to Wanda's hand on my belly. "Are you pregnant?, I heard Bruce say something about pregnancy" she asked and I was about to explain when Tony spoke. "Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Paris" and with that everyone started getting off the plane. Wanda stood up and I came out of the seat and Aurora ran to me. "Hey are you hungry?" I asked and she shook her head no and I walked off the Plane and into the loading car and because I was the first in I sat and the back and when everyone came in Wanda had no choice but to sit at the front.

We arrived at this big hotel and everyone got out of the bus and Tony stopped us from entering. "Okay here are the room orders, Bruce by him self, Yelena and Kate, Natasha and Carol, Thor by himself Also Steve, Morgan and Aurora, The twins and Peter, Sam and Bucky, Me and Pepper and Y/N and Wanda together" he said. "Also every who has to share a room has two beds, the twins you guys got bunked beds, The only persons who didn't get two beds are Aurora and Morgan ohh and Y/N and Wanda" he said and I looked up at him and he smirked.

We walked to our rooms and the workers brought our bags and I thanked him. I placed The kids bag to the side and Opened mine and took out some clothes. "Are you pregnant?" Wanda asked sitting beside me. "No I'm not , I asked Bruce for a check up and he just jumped to conclusions wondering if I'm pregnant because according to him, I only come to him for pregnancy or birth, but I just wanted to check what's wrong why I couldn't use my blast" I said and she sighed and I got ready putting on this red dress. I then went to get the kids ready and took Aylena from Yelena and got her dressed. While putting on Lena's shoes Wanda walked out wearing a beautiful black dress with a jacket and I smiled inside and held lena's hand and we walked outside followed by Wanda.

Tony made reservations at a restaurant not too far from our hotel and we all sat down with the kids at one table and of course Yelena took Lena so just me and Wanda at a table. "Good night how are you guys?" A girl waiter asked coming over to us and I smiled. "Good how are you?" I asked and she smiled. "I'm great what can I get for you guys?" She asked and Wanda order first. "I'm not sure, what would you recommend?" I asked her and she hovered over me. "Number 5 is great" she told me and I nodded and she took the menu and our hands touched and I didn't think much of it.

She returned with our food. "Is that all, what else would you guys want me to do for you?" She asked and I was about to say we were good but Wanda answered. "I would also like if you stop flirting with my wife and get those thoughts out of your head" she glared at the woman. "Wife? I don't see any ring" she said and Wanda eyes flashed red and the waiter walked away. "Where is your ring?" Wanda asked and I took up a fork. "The moment you stepped through the door, I took it off" I answered and started eating.

After dinner we made it back to our rooms and I had to carry a sleeping Aurora. We kissed the kids goodnight and made it to our rooms. I took off my clothes changing in front of Wanda, I mean she has seen me naked a million times before and then crawled into bed and she came into bed facing me. I turned around my back towards her and after about thirty minutes I finally started drifting off and the last thing I remember was Wanda slowly hugging me.

1235 Words

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