A day with Aurora

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I woke up by crying as usual and I was ready to get up but Wanda laid her hand on my chest. "I'll get her" she said and I nod and laid back down to fall asleep and after a few minutes I felt tiny hands hugging me.

"Wake up Mommy" my daughter said and I opened my eyes and saw Aurora looking at me and then I looked at her hair. "Honey what did you do" I asked her ,"I tangled it" she said sadly and I sighed. "Let's get ready for the day shall we" I told her and lifted her up and we made our way to the Bathroom.

I showered and then gave Aurora a shower before dressing myself. I helped her get dressed, placing her clothes on her body and then went to grab the conditioner and a comb.

Her resistance to combing her hair sent a surge of guilt through me. "Rora, if you comb your hair, we'll get to spend the day together. You remember that, right?" I said, trying to convince her. She thought about it for a moment before finally nodding, and I started to comb her hair with care, taking my time to detangle it. Finally, I brushed the hair off the bed and took her hand, leading her to the boys' room to wake her brothers.

As I knocked on Aiden's door, he emerged, having taken a bath already. I ran my hands through his hair, praising him for being such a good boy. Then we made our way to Nathan's room, where he was already dressed and wearing his uncle's jacket.

"Do you think mom will let me wear it?" I kissed his forehead and told him, "I don't know." We headed downstairs together to find Wanda making breakfast. "Morning, love," I greeted as the kids sat at the table. I started preparing their lunch boxes while Wanda served them breakfast.

Wanda turned around to address Pietro. "You can't wear that jacket to school," she said. "But I want to," he protested. "No, you'll destroy it at school," Wanda replied. I then stepped in, telling Wanda that Pietro was responsible and encouraging her to let him wear the jacket."I know you don't want it to be damaged, but Pietro is very responsible," I said. "You gave it to him. Let him wear it," I added, and she finally agreed, allowing him to wear the jacket to school if he promised to take care of it.After the breakfast, I urged the boys to eat quickly so we could leave in a timely manner. "Boys, hurry up and eat," I told them, glancing at the clock.

As we were getting ready to bring the kids to school, Wanda suggested taking some time for ourselves after they were gone. "Hey, maybe we can ask Yelena to take care of Aylena for a couple of hours, and we can spend some time together?" she said, smiling. I told her about my plans to spend the day with Aurora and Kate, which seemed to disappoint her. "Oh, okay, I see. It's cool," she said, stepping back.

As I loaded the kids into the car,  I ran  back into the house to grab her. "I love you," I told her, pulling her closer to me. "I love you more," she replied, kissing me back. As I left to head back to the car, I heard the horn beep, signaling that it was time to go. "I'll be back by two," I told her, giving her one last kiss before jumping into the car and driving off.

"Who beeped the horn" I ask giggling. "I did mommy" Rora said and I laughed and drove the twins to school. "Bye mommy love you" they said and I kissed them ."Love you more" I told them and walked them inside.

"Ready to spend the day with Mommy" I asked my daughter and she nod excited "Would it be okay if Kate came along?" I asked her and she thought about it and nodded and we drove to Kate's apartment and I beeped. "Hey!!" Kate said excitedly running to the car and she got in. "Hey how are you?" I asked her, "I'm good,and how are you?" she asked tickling Aurora and Aurora giggled and took off her seat belt and went into Kate's lap.

She then put the seatbelt on and I looked at her and she smiled and buried her head in Kate's chest smiling. I looked up at Kate and she was looking at Aurora smiling and I just sat admiring her and she looked up and stared back at me smiling. "Mommy let's go" Aurora said and I nodded and turned back to the wheel and started driving. 

As I drove the car, I couldn't resist watching Aurora play with Kate's rings. She found it hilarious and couldn't control her laughter. She then grabbed Kate's hand and brought it together with mine, which made us all laugh together. I noticed Kate looking over at Aurora and giggling. After a few moments, I took my hand off of Kate's and placed it on the steering wheel to turn. I kept my eyes on the road, but I couldn't help but steal a few glances at Aurora, every now and then, as her laughter was so infectious.

It's past four o'clock now, and I dropped off Kate and Aurora, who is now sleeping in the backseat with her head on her brother's lap.As I pulled into the driveway, the boys were excitedly running toward Wanda, who had been playing with Aylena on the couch. She met them with open arms, kissing their faces and lifting them up. Meanwhile, I carried Aurora inside and helped the boys out of the car.After Aurora was put to bed, I walked back downstairs, where Wanda and the boys were giggling and starting dinner. I kissed her neck and she leaned in, smiling. The boys were whining and telling me that I was distracting her, but I held up my hands, teasing them, and went to take a bath.

After I got dressed, I went to my daughters' room to find Lena awake and smiling. "Hey, bubs, you're awake!" I said as I picked her up ready to go downstairs when Aurora woke up. "Hey are you hungry" I asked her and she nod getting off the bed to hold my hands and we walked downstairs ready for dinner.

1065 Words

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