A furry friend

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Wanda POV

I opened my eyes and saw Aylena staring at me. "What's up bubs?" I asked and she held her belly. "Are you hungry?" I ask and she nods. I kissed her forehead and picked her up and we went to the kitchen. "Bottle or pancake?" I ask and she nods. "Both?" I asked and she nodded again.

I prepared breakfast for me and Aurora, giving her her bottle first before serving her pancakes. We both enjoyed our meal and then watched a couple of episodes of My Little Pony. Later that morning, After watching two episodes, Aurora came downstairs."Hey you okay?" I ask and she nods and sits in my lap beside Aylena. I saw her closing her eyes and I kissed her forehead. I looked and saw Aylena was also aslee I then went to the kitchen to grab some Advil and water, before waking up Y/N.

"Hey how are you?" I asked when I saw her waking up. "I have the worst headache in history" she said and I giggled. "That's what happens when you drink too much" I teased her and she smiled. She then made a frown and I went to ask what was wrong but she quickly ran to our bathroom and I heard her throwing up. I ran to her side rubbing her back and fixing her hair and she started sobbing a little and I know its because she hates throwing up.

"Hey it's okay, get it out" I said and when she was finished I helped her clean up and flush the toilet. We walked back to the bed and I held her and gave her the Advil and the water. "Thank you" she said and I smiled and waited for her to finish taking it so I could put the cup on the side table and then I held her. "Wanna hear something funny and adorable?" I ask and she nods. "Last night you were so wasted you couldn't recognize me, You kept telling me you had a Wife and then when you felt sleepy you said you're only coming home with me because your wife will find you in five minutes" I said giggling.

"No I didn't" she said embarrassed and I put my hand to her head showing her and she removed my hand and buried her head in my neck. "That's so embarrassing" she mumbled and I lifted up her head."It was cute, especially because even when you're drunk you're loyal" I told her and she smiled and kissed my lips. "Want tea?" I asked her and she nodded and I got up picking her up with me and she rested her head on my shoulder. I held her the whole time I made breakfast, I made hot chocolate tea and egg and bread for her and mac& cheese for the kids knowing they will be down soon.

I placed my wife on the kitchen counter and took up her breakfast and then fed her and she smiled. As predicted the kids ran downstairs and into the kitchen. "Morning Mama,Morning Mommy" they said and we responded and I gave them their breakfast and they started talking loudly and Y/N whimpered. "Guys mommy is having a headache so try not to be loud" I told them and they quite down and at the same time we heard crying.

"Pony!pony!" Shit I left Aylena pony on the couch, I ran for it and then ran upstairs. "Hey it's okay here" I said and she hugged it and got up and reached for me. I lifted her up and we walked downstairs and she reached for Y/N and I gave her to Y/N. She then pointed to Y/N phone and Y/N changed the photo and Lena changed it back. Y/N scrolled and Lena scrolled back to the cat photo. "She likes cat aunt Yelena has one" Aiden said and I smiled. "We gave Yelena that cat, your mommy was sad one night and I got her a cat but then she got pregnant with Piet and AJ and we didn't have time for a kitty so we gave it to Yelena" I said smiling at the memory and Lena kept pointing at the cat. "Can we get a cat?" The three of them asked. "Um I don't think we should" I said and Lena started crying and I used my magic to get Lena's pacifier and she spat it out. "Yes we will get a kitty" Y/N and I say at the same time and she stopped crying and the kids cheered and I reminded them Y/N had a headache.

We are now at the pet center and we are all looking for a cat and Aylena walked over to this cute cat. "AJ" she said and Y/N giggled. "They're adorable" I said and Y/N agreed and we looked at the kids asking for their opinion and they loved it. We did all the paper work and all that and we got the kitty and the kids were super excited. We drove to the pet store and got toys and bowls and cat food for the cat and then we went home, and Aylena had the biggest smile ever. She was so caught up playing with the kitty she didn't realize she left the pony at the store until she felt around. I had to drive back for it and then back home and she sat holding the kitty and her pony.

908 words

Any suggestion what to name the kitty? 👀

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