Then it's settled

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Wanda's POV

I can't choose I don't want to lose my nephew, Pietro's only son the only reminder of him but I don't want to lose my wife and kids. "I..I can't choose" I told her and she started walking away and I held her hands. "I don't want to choose and It's not fair for you to ask this of me" I said and she tried pulling away from me.

"I'll make the choice for you then" She said and ripped my hands away from her and went upstairs. I went to follow her when Aylena ran to me. "Hey baby what's wrong?" I asked her and she hugged my neck and I hugged her and she moved her hand. "Ow" she said and I pulled back "I'm sorry" I apologized and looked at her hand and I saw the needle spot and I placed Aylena down and marched upstairs to Y/N packing.

I grabbed the bag out of her hand and threw it across the room. "You are not leaving! and did I not make myself clear when I said I don't want  any needles near Aylena" I shouted at her and she scoffed. "Did I not make myself clear about Emily, I guess we both don't listen" she said walking to the door and I slammed it shut and she stepped back. "Open the door" She screamed at me and she came closer to me. 

"Open the fucking door or you won't like it" She said and I shook my head no and she pushed me. "Open the door, Open the door" she said hitting my chest and I held both of her hands and she started sobbing and I went to hug her and she pushed me away and walked to the bathroom slamming the door. FUCK I cursed in my mind and threw the vase at the wall breaking it and I sat on the bed relaxing cooling off a bit. I got up and I knocked at the bathroom door. "Love I'm sorry can you open the door please" I asked softly and when I didn't hear anything for bout five minutes I knocked again. "I'm gonna open the door now okay?" I said and opened it to see her sleeping on the ground with red eyes, tear stained cheek.

I picked her up and laid her on the bed and cleaned up the broken vase and walked downstairs. "Emily we need to talk" I said and she walked towards me and we walked outside into the backyard. "My wife is unhappy and I would and will do everything to make her happy. I will find you and Mike an apartment, anything you guys need I'll get you it. I'll help you find a job. Mike can come over anytime he wants but you living here is causing me my marriage and I can't lose her or my kids again" I told her and she looked angry and sad. "Wanda how would Pietro feel knowing you are kicking us out, your own nephew" she said and I sighed. "I'm giving you guys an apartment" I said and she got up. "If  you kick us out you are never seeing mike again" she responded and I groaned and walked inside. I looked and saw the kids playing and Aylena sleeping on the couch and I started dinner and then saw Y/N coming downstairs and she saw me and turned around heading for the door. "Where are you going" I asked and she kissed the kids head and went to the garage.


 I went  for my bike and texted Natasha and rode to a bar. "Please just keep them coming?" I said to the bartender and he started giving me glasses of alcohol and after an hour I saw Natasha come in and she sat beside me. "Sorry I'm late I was on a mission WHAT the hell are you doing drinking this much!!!" She said when she saw the amount of bottles in front of me and I laughed. "I lost my wife, we had an argument I kinda hit her, well I pushed her chest and I cried myself to sleep" I said and Natasha took the bottle from me and I looked at her. "If I hadn't fallen for her in the first place I wouldn't be feeling this pain right now. If I didn't fall for her we would be together, you wouldn't break my heart would you?" I asked having no idea really what I was saying and Natasha was speaking but I couldn't really hear what she was saying and I laid my head on the counter and I don't remember anything after that.

I woke up in bed and the worst headache ever and I looked at the window and realised it was still night and then I saw Wanda sitting in the chair looking at me and I rolled over and she stood up. "You came home blacked out drunk, thank god for Natasha bringing you home" She said shouting at me. "Did the kids see me?" I asked her, running my hands in my hair. "No Natasha brought you through the back door and the kids are asleep" She said and I got up and took up a blanket and a pillow.

"Where are you going?" She asked. "Why do you care so much, and the things you should care about you don't" I said and the door slammed shut and I tried teleporting and It wasn't working. "I trapped us in and we are not leaving this room until we solve this issue" She said and I put the pillow on the ground and laid down. "Well I guess we are not leaving this room" I told her closing my eyes. " Y/N we are drifting apart" she said softly and I rolled my eyes putting the pillow over my head. "I spoke to Emily" She said and I stood silent. "I tried to convince her to move out but she said if she moves I won't see Mike again" She said and I scoffed and sat up.

"So you are offering her everything to start but she wants to stay here with you, are you so fucking blind to see she is staying for you. You can read minds Wanda think" I said and she thought about it and looked away. "Get on the bed" she said and I laid back down and I felt her behind me laying down and I moved away from her and fell asleep.

1090 words

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