Fun or Sad Day

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It's been four days since I have had the flu and I got better on the second day and Aurora on the third. Today we are going to the circus and the kids are super excited. As I put on Aylena's little slippers Wanda comes downstairs with the kids. "Ready?" She asks and I lift up Aylena and took the bags.

"Let's go," I said, holding the kids' hands and making sure they were safe and secure in the car. Wanda hopped in, but didn't look at her phone when it beeped. Instead, she immediately put the car in drive and got us moving. As we reached the circus, I unbuckled the kids and watched as Wanda strolled in, pushing Aylena in her stroller while holding Pietro's hand.

I Holding Aurora and Aiden's hands, we made our way towards a performing fire-breather, but Aurora was terrified while the boys loved it. Aurora wanted her face painted, and a clown obliged with a cute little drawing. We then went to see the animals do tricks, clapping along as they performed. After some hot dogs and a pit stop, we found ourselves watching a performer juggling fire, which resulted in me having to tell Pietro not to try it at home.

As we made our way to see Santa Claus, Aurora got excited and showed off her doll to him. Santa showered our family with compliments, and we thanked him. We also met some fans and took pictures with them. While at the circus, Wanda suggested changing Aylena's diaper, so I helped Aurora to the bathroom and changed Aylena there. After I washed my hands, I waited outside for Aurora to finish.

Hey beautiful" A guy said and I turned and looked at him. "Uh hi" I said and turned back around. "Where's your boyfriend?" He asked and I sighed. "Don't have one" I said and he moved his hand to touch my shoulder and I stepped back. "Do you want one?" He asked and before I could answer Aurora walked out. "No thanks she already has Mama" she said and I smirked and kissed her cheek. "That's right I have Mama" and I rolled my eyes at the guy and we walked back to the show. "What took so long?" Wanda asked when we sat down. "Some guy was flirting with mommy" Aurora answered and I nod. "I was gonna turn him down when your daughter did it for me" I said kissing Aurora's forehead.

As the fireworks went off, I grabbed the noise-canceling headphones and placed them on Aurora's ears, being mindful of how loud noises affect her. Reassuring her with a reassuring nod, I played a song to distract her from the noise, allowing her to enjoy the show. When it was time to go, we loaded everyone in the car.

"How was everyone's day?" I ask as we got in the car. "It was great did you see the cool thing the guy did with the fire, with my speed it wouldn't even burn" Pietro said. "Piet that's dangerous promise me you won't try it" I said looking back at him and he nodded.

"Promise me" I repeated, "I promise mommy" Pietro said and I nodded. "Well today was great thank you Mama, Thank you Mom" Aiden said and I turned and shuffled his hair. "You're welcome AJ" both me and Wanda said. "Aurora how was your day ?" I asked and saw that she and Aylena had fallen asleep.

When we reached Aurora had woken up and so did Aylena and we got out the car Aiden wanting to hold Lena.

As we stepped inside the house the kids went and laid on the couch tired and I smiled. Wanda sat in the kitchen and I went and sat in her lap and she kissed me and her phone binged. "Is everything okay it has been doing that the whole day?" I asked and she sighed and wrapped her hands around me resting her head on my shoulder. "Wanda, what's wrong?" I ask worried.

"I need to go on a mission" she said, "I thought we agreed on no more missions" I said looking at her. "I know I know" she said softly. "Then why are you going, and who's sending you? Do you have to go on this mission?" I ask getting a bit upset. "Strange asked me to go" she answered, "Wanda is this a world ending mission?" I asked and she looked down. "No" and I removed her hand, "Cancel it then I don't want you on a mission anymore we both agreed to that. We have money to last us and the kids for a very long time, How long is this mission?" I ask and she hugged me closer.

"Around four months" she said and I got up, "No! I can't take care of four kids by myself for four months. You're not the only one that can do this mission cancel it" I said and she got up as well. "I can't" she said reaching for me and I pulled back. "Can't or Won't?" I asked and she looked down. "Wanda if you go on this mission when you return there will be divorced papers waiting for you" I said and she looked up "So make your choice."

That night I went to sleep cuddled up with my pillows sobbing, Wanda making her choice.

I'm sorry
Also I have never been to a circus I asked people to share their experiences and I just wrote what I summarized what happens there.

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