buddies part 5

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a few months later...

Y/N and Jordan are officially living together after beginning their relationship. They've know each other for a while and already live together when they were in their friends with benefits stage, so moving in wasn't a big deal for them.

She flutters her eyes open once she felt Kota on her chest. This is an everyday morning routine but as of lately he has been doing weird stuff to her stomach. He always pushes his paw lightly on it and always snuggles to that area when he usually snuggles at her neck or closer to her head.

"Why do you do this every morning?"

Jordan starts yawning and opens his eyes smiling at his girlfriend.

"Good morning."

"Good morning is he still doing the stomach thing?"

"Yeah maybe it's just a phase he's going through."

Jordan has been worried lately due changes he has noticed in Y/N. Last night she told him that she was hungry and he made her a turkey sandwich with everything she eats on it. After she took a couple of  bite she threw it up before it could even digest.

"Are you feeling ok?"

"Yeah I think I might have a stomach bug."

He nods his head and gets up to go to use the bathroom. His phone was in his hand and he noticed the date and looked in their bathroom trash and didn't see any pad or tampon wrappers in there.

"Babe isn't your period suppose to happen this week?"

She didn't respond back but he did hear her phone unlock.


Then all of a sudden he hears a gasp come out of her mouth. Y/N quickly rushes into the bathroom and looks in their under cabinets and she noticed that she didn't even open the new box of tampons and pads she got because she was running out.

"My period was suppose to happen Wednesday and I didn't even get my period last month", she sighs.

Jordan noticed the stress that was coming in and was very confused about it since they've talked about having kids together, just not this soon.

"What's the matter I thought you wanted to have kids together?"

"Please flush the toilet before we start talking about this."

"My bad."

Once Jordan takes care of his business he walks back into the bedroom to see Y/N snuggling up to Kai.

"What else is on your mind because I know being pregnant isn't the stress factor."

Y/N use her long sleeves to wipe the tears that were coming out of her eyes.

"Um my boss called me the other day and he said that there was a higher up position open...."

"Y/N that's amazing!"

"In New York with the Yankee's."


"Don't worry I didn't take the position because of us but it's like I have the potential to move up but I want something new you know. I feel like with the baby I'm going to be too occupied and not work."

"Everything is going to be ok we're in this together. You didn't hear this from me but Bob Myers is looking for some people for his team you should apply he's going to love you. Plus he has seen you in the work space at oracle applying won't hurt."

"Yeah I guess."

"In the bright side we're having a baby."

"Yeah we are", Y/N smiles.

• • •

The couple sat in one of the doctors rooms as they waited for Y/N's OBGYN to walk through the door. She was really relieved that she had an opening for the same day. Y/N wasn't nervous at all she was just watching something on her phone and eating a lollipop to kill some time.

"Do I smell new parents in here?!?!"

"Hey Dr. Russell."

"Oooo this must be the lucky man."

Jordan starts smiling and shakes her hand before she takes a seat look at Y/N's charts.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm good just been throwing up a lot lately."

"Is it just in the morning or with seeing or smelling certain foods?"


"This little one is going to give you trouble well let's get the ultrasound started."

• • •

Jordan and Y/N sat in silence in his car as they stared at the ultrasound pictures that Dr. Russell gave them. He was too hysterical and had to pull out the tissues he had in the car.

"We're having a baby!"

Y/N takes a picture of Jordan holding the ultrasound pictures with tears still running down his cheeks. She sends it in their family group chat that his mom made and sent it to her family group chat. Whenever they were messing around Jordan would bring her around his family and they fell in love with her and call her a bonus daughter.

Soon enough their phones start blowing up with congratulations and Jordan's mom sent a link to the registry.

"Your mom already made a registry", she laughs.

"Yes she's been dreaming of this day but I just looked at it and it just has diapers and wipes. Do you want to add stuff together when we get back home?"

"Yes", she smiles.

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