Chapter 4

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The Safe House on Pandora Drive

"Hey!" Mr. Ainsworth says entering the Safe House on Pandora Drive.

"Well, hello! Welcome to our home," Mr. Gordon replies. "Please make yourself at home, Mrs. Gordon has just started to cook, and Michael messaged that he was assisting in rounding up the missing Dewbies. This house has been in our family for years, never thought we'd have to use it to escape Dewstone."

"Your house is very nice," says Mrs. Ainsworth. "I think I'll go help your wife, while my personal valet, 'she winks at her husband' takes our things to the bedroom."

Before long the food is ready, the men have set the table and both couples are sitting down to a nice meal and fellowship.

"You know, it's going to get very confusing with all this Mr. and Mrs. Stuff, and since most people found out today that we are fixing to be grandparents, why not call us Grandpa and Grandma?" Mr. Ainsworth pats his wife's hand, "it would give us good practice to answering to our new titles."

"I agree" adds Mrs. Gordon, "and you can just refer to us Mom and Dad, it's what we've been calling each other since Heif was born."

With the names settled, they can relax and discuss the day's events.

"Grandpa, do you know anything about what happened today?" Grandma asks the first question. "Since I don't have the Vision like you and Joven, what can you tell us?"

"Not much," replies Grandpa, "I know my vision has become less clear in the past few weeks. Thank goodness I caught sight of Pann in her "condition" before it weakened more. I made the emergency announcement, when I was suddenly hit with white light of pain into my head, while I was at the "Perk You Up" cafe. Instantly, my Vision cleared, and I saw Joven and Pann in the Forbidden Cave.

"What made you know who to contact to meet you at the Safe Place at the back of the Reflection Room?" Dad asks.

"Well," Grandpa replies, "That's one of the bigger mysteries. I had my phone in my hand when the hot, flash hit me and instantly their names were illuminated on my cell. I simply had to type "Safe Place ASAP," all showed up but one. I've already reached out to that person, and everything is fine."

"Most odd," says Mom. "So, can you tell us the facts as you see them? We are, of course, worried about our son, Heif."

"I spoke with Heif after he entered the city park," Grandpa says wanting to put their minds at ease quickly, knowing they had lost a child in infancy many years ago, a little girl, and doted on their only son, "he was fine and had Karmony over his shoulder."

"KARMONY!", both Heif's parents exclaim with a shout, and immediate distress shows upon both their faces.

"Hold on, let me explain," Grandpa holds up a hand, waiting for the room to settle down, "Let's go from the Safe Place. Almost everyone I messaged had arrived, and we made plans to evacuate with needed supplies. Michael and Heif gathered the materials, while Joven talked to Charles over possible solutions. We needed to locate a scroll, long story for another day, and then got a small history lesson from Joshua. After getting everyone back in the Safe Place, we discovered Pann had given us the slip, not sure why, maybe to help Joven? Next thing, we know we reach the City Park, Joven is trying to reason with Karmony, and having no luck. Michael snapped a branch, and that proved to be enough of a distraction for Joven to swoop up Pann, then calmly announce out loud that we are going to be grandparents." Here Grandpa stops to chuckle, but realizes he's alone, so he continues on with his story.

"Continuing on.... Heif tells me to assure you he is fine, then asks me to contact Henry for Karmony. Heif having Karmony over his shoulder, walks off, and we came here." Grandpa finishes, releasing a long breath from having talked so much.

"But" starts Mom, "What if she hurts Heif?"

This has the grandparents of the room chuckling, and their eyes glistening with merriment.

"I left one small part out," grandpa adds, "before we left your son... well... he was "adjusting her attitude," Grandpa uses air quotations, "with his hand to her derriere, she didn't seem happy about it, but your son had a most satisfied look on his face."

"Oh, Heif gets that from his side of the family, "Mom turns to point at her husband, "But everything worked out for us, maybe we will be the next to get the title of Grandma and Grandpa?"

"Hold on there Nana on knitting those booties, remember who we are talking about" Dad says, and then turns to Grandma and Grandpa, "Heif is our son, we love him, but we know him. Heif doesn't see grey, he only sees black and white. What I mean by that, is not that he's color blind, but that the rules are right or wrong, is just that... right OR wrong. And, if he sees it as wrong, he will keep going back again and again till it's right. Joven is a great kid, or I should say Man, he's gentle, patient, and sympathetic," pausing for moment, then Dad continues on, knowing the truth must be told.

"Joven makes for a great Honorable Council Headmaster, he feels compassion and is diplomatic. Heif is none of those; oh, he loves and helps. He will give anyone the last crumb of bread from his plate. But he's stubborn, head strong and determined to get his way. I fear, if Karmony acts in a way that he finds dishonorable... well, let's just say Karmony will end up preferring banishment from Dewstone, instead of what Heif may have planned for her and her attitude." 

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