Chapter 30

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Spent a mostly sleepless night, because my cell phone kept going off time and time again. I finally get some sleep, but awaken to even more text messages.

The last one coming through, that Hattie and Pann had been found! I scream to an empty room in pure joy!

Quickly I contact Dr. Woolsly, knowing Pann and her baby need to be checked on. Then, messaging Joven's mom and Henry's wife.... Why? I haven't got a clue, but when Joven tells me to do something, I've learned to trust his gut instinct and Vision. Lastly, sending out messages to the other three council members to join everybody in Dewstone.

I get up and move this old body to start getting ready to take my walk to Dewstone. It's time, my old joints can feel it, it's time to reverse the waters, change the past and let the healing begin. And that won't happen unless I'm there, I've got to play my part; a secretary's job is never done. 

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