Chapter 25

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Well...that did NOT end the way I was expecting it to, as I rub my cheek. Standing and staring at her door, isn't solving anything, so I turn to head home.

Pulling out my cell phone, should I message her? Nah, I've done enough damage. Maybe, if I tried harder, I could insult her family or maybe think of some wilder accusations to throw at her. Why did I do that? Man, does love mess with your brain.

Starting along the dark, vacant sidewalk, my mind wonders, as I walk aimlessly for hours. Love? Do I really think it's love? My memories float back over the years I've known her... first beginning when she was young, then growing up and out... making me smile. She's only ever looked at Joven since she graduated high school, but even before that I never saw her dating anyone. Stopping, I try and engage the mechanisms in the brain to start turning, and the slight smell of smoke from my ears.... I realize, no, I've never seen her with anyone. No boyfriends, no dances at school events, and even in college no guys she hung out with... odd?

Making it to my door, and walking inside, I decide a full night of rest, and then I will start my groveling at Karmony's feet.


"911 hat" – Pann

"Hat?" is Pann trying to joke with me??? I wait, and nothing else comes through. I try calling as I run back out the door, and it goes straight to voicemail. I text Hannah, no response, and now I'm in full run!

Arriving at Joven's house, I see the lights are on. Odd, since it's just a little after midnight. Deciding the front door wouldn't be the smartest approach, I head to the back door and peak through a parted kitchen window curtain.

Billy? I mean it's a filthy, grubby man, but definitely Billy. Where is Hattie? Realizing the "hat" must've been Pann trying to write Hattie. Looking through the window, I see Hannah sitting on the couch and Billy is just sitting there, with a knife, staring at her. What to do?


"This is Heif, is Billy in your Vicinage?" - Heif

"It's after midnight, and why did my daughter return home; crying, a few hours ago?" - Henry

Great, I've got a hostage situation, Karmony crying, an irate father, and Pann and Hattie nowhere to be seen. It's like all the planets aligned for the perfect apocalypse of my life.

"EMERGENCY- please send Billy's phone number"-Heif

Deciding the best thing to do, is ignore everything else. Thank the Mist, when the phone buzzes a few moments later with the number. Now, let's just hope Billy has kept up with his cell phone bill.

Sending out one more text to Joven's dad, I walk to the front of the house and ready for entry with the code for Joven's house, which I already have memorized.


"Billy, I'm tired of chasing you and Hattie, just tell me where you are."-Heif

"How'd you get my number? You'll never find me"-Billy

"Give me a hint. Let's play a game"-Heif

"Sure, you know Burlap elementary, come and get me"-Billy

Great! Billy is in a playing mood, and I'm just killing time till my back-up arrives.

"Okay, be there in five minutes, let me know when you see me"-Heif

I hear feet approaching, and I turn to slow them down and shush them! I see Mr. Ainsworth, my father and Michael. Good, should be more than enough. We don't want the local authority's involved; this is a Dewstone issue. Everyone crunches low and my father and Michael leave and go to the rear entrance of the house by the kitchen.

"Okay, I have to check on Pann, and then be right there"-Heif

"No! don't go by there. Come here first"- Billy

It's like a cat playing with a mouse, I snort softly, and continue texting.

"It will only take a moment, I have the code to the back door"-Heif

BINGO! I see Billy run to the back door, silly Billy, I put the code in and rush through the door with Joven's dad behind me. Quickly walking up behind Billy, I put my cell phone in his back and demand he drop the knife. PLINK! And, now poor Billy has no knife! Oh Billy, Billy.... Once he's back to being a regulated Dewbie, I need to let Joven know to NEVER let Billy be in charge of security or teaching any classes to our impressionable youth.

My dad and Michael haul Billy up the stairs, I hear water running in the spare bathroom, and know he's fixing to get his first elixir bath in the last 11 days. I walk to Hannah, while texting her daughter to come immediately.

"Hannah" I say, as I rub her hands, reassuring her the worst part is over," Can you tell me what happened and where is Pann?"

Hannah begins crying, mostly from relief I think, but gets out the last couple of hours of drama. I look up, Joven's dad has the same look I do.... Where is Pann and Hattie?

Mr. Ainsworth begins texting and calling Joven, no response. He then awakens every council member and demands they come to Joven's house.

Waiting for them all to arrive, I check on Billy in the spare bathroom. The water has turned a dark brown from his filth and his screaming has stopped.

"How'd ya'll get him in?" I turn and ask my dad, who just smiles while I get my answer from Michael.

"We just threw him in, and then dumped the bottle of oil on his head, figure it couldn't hurt," Michael shrugs. Well, I know first-hand that throwing someone in the tub works, with memories of Karmony, but I'm not sharing that information.

Leaving the spare bedroom, I pass the master bedroom, and the smell is atrocious. Going into the master bathroom, with my hand covering my face, I lift a foot to flush the toilet. Poor Pann... Joven had said the morning sickness what hitting her pretty hard. After the flush, I find some spray and squirt some of that in the air. Closing the lid, a yellow phone case catches my eye. Mystery solved.... Pann had thrown her phone into the toilet so Hattie wouldn't know. Smart Pann! I'm certainly not picking that up, though, and just leave it in the water and head downstairs.

After all the council members have arrived, and still no word from Joven. We decide to split up and begin a search. Having already looked for them the last eleven days, I shared with the committee that there were no sightings of them at the homeless shelter, hotels or anywhere else that they would need for warmth from the extreme cold.

All the council members message everyone, but Hattie, in their vicinage to be on the lookout for Hattie and Pann. Then everyone disperses, the search begins, and I head to the one person who can help....

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