Chapter 40

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"And how many fingers am I holding up?" the doctor asks me, after having been moved to the clinic, and starting a check-up.

"You keep wiggling those fingers in my face, I'm gonna chop them off and have a wienie roast!"

"Well," Joven says as he enters the office, "guess that answers my question if she's okay." I see a smile on his face, "we got work to do, this is election year, and my best friend is getting married."

The doctor clears his throat and quietly walks out the room, saying he will be right back.

"Joven," I start patting his hand. "I've been sick for a while, Dr. Woolsly has been keeping me going with herbal remedies and such. Now, with Pann's history cleared up, you're going to be a daddy, and Michael leaving so that all can return... well, it's just my time, Joven, it's not sad, it's just the turning of the years."

"You knew about Michael, didn't you? I saw you talking to him." I nod my head.

"Yes, I think you forget how long I've worked for city council," I laugh wickedly.

"Susan you're the same age as Charles, how would you know anything more than him?"

"HA!" Dr. Woolsly says as he reenters the room. "When Susan hit 79 years old, she decided she didn't want to be 80 years old, so she started counting backwards. Didn't you notice each year the number on her cake went down instead of up?"

Joven is scratching his head, really thinking hard. Then, the smile, knowing I've tricked him for years.

"So, if I do the math correctly, you are NOT 70 years old, but in reality, 88 years old?

My answer is just a huge grin. Oh, I'm such a stinker!

"Our forefathers bought the mountain that's over some of Dewstone. It's where we bury our loved ones, and it's time for me to join my husband, beyond the Mist."

"Oh, don't go running off with your sweetie yet, Susan, you got some time left," Dr. Woolsly states. "We've got plenty of time to get Dewstone back up and running, before you elope."

Five months later......................

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