Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Watchtower

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The Watchtower, 6/26/2018, 12:30 PM

One month had passed since the battle in Russia, or as M'gann referred to it, the massacre. The Justice League had lost nearly all of its members save for Katana and the Flash. The two had regrouped with the Team after the fight and returned to the Watchtower with their dead and wounded. Eddie was brought along too. Wally seemed the most shaken by his death, considering he was the one who did it, M'gann wasn't too surprised. It didn't take mind-reading to tell that Wally was hurting inside. Artemis comforted him, but he still held his face down. 

Following the battle, the Flash and Katana had discussed with M'gann and Cassie about new roles. The Team was older now, ready for the challenge, at least most of the older members were ready. M'gann and Cassie agreed that all were ready, but some members wished to remain in the shadows. 

Artemis volunteered to continue leading the Team, the benefit of an undercover operations unit was still needed in the world, and so Terra and Tim Drake both also decided to remain on the team. Cassie, M'gann, Kyle, Kara, Tula, and Wally all stepped up to join the league, it was their dream after all. M'gann just figured it would never come about due to something like this.

"We're going to need new members for the Team." Artemis said moving up next to M'gann as she gazed at the news from around the world, "Grodd and his lackeys are still out there and we're low on members."

"Better start some recruitment then, Team leader." M'gann smiled looking to Artemis, "I know you have an eye for heroes and good souls."

Artemis smiled back nodding, "I might have some leads on new possible additions already." She smirked.

M'gann chuckled, of course she did. She grew more serious as she asked her next question.

"How is he holding up?"

"About as well as you'd expect, but he'll get through it. It's complicated." Artemis sighed, "Wally has seen things I can never even imagine. Now that Barry is retiring, I'm just scared he won't have anyone to talk to about all of this."

"He'll always have us. We're family." M'gann took Artemis' hand, "We've been through so much over the past year alone. I've lost too many friends, too many people I'd call sister or brother, too many mentors. I'm tired of it."

"We're still here. We carry on for them." Artemis smiled back, "Thank you, M'gann."

"Of course." She replied moving her hand away and sighed, "I guess we're finally the Justice League."

"Well you are, but I'm still in the boys and girls club." Artemis laughed, "It's going to be strange not having all of you on missions, but I think I'll enjoy a bit of team leadership."

"I know you'll do an incredible job. I can't think of anyone more deserving."

"After everything we've been through, I can say with full certainty that means more to me than anything." Artemis stepped away, "Thank you again."

M'gann sighed as Artemis walked away. She turned around as Katana made her way over towards her. 

"Listen, M'gann, I was searching over blueprints of New York City and found a series of interconnected tunnels that link to the sewer system. The Watchtower computer confirms that three weeks ago there was a spike in the power, but there hasn't been another surge in quite some time. I'm thinking that Grodd and his friends moved somewhere else. It looks like our work just got a lot harder."

"Just the job, right?" M'gann felt her nerves, Katana was an impressive individual, not only did she survive when the other Leaguers did not, but she was smart and calm and able to juggle her new duties as chairman of the Justice League. She was the only one qualified for the job now, but she carried it with grace.

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