Chapter Thirteen: New Metropolis

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New Metropolis, 5/9/18, 8:45 PM

Cyborg shook his head as he looked upwards. The van was flipped on its side. He looked over at the other agents in the car were unmoving, Cyborg's scanners said they were had no pulse, "Damnit." Cyborg shook his head raising his arm up to the window, the glass was all broken off. He slowly lifted himself upwards onto the side of the van. He looked out at the street where Diana was being held back by Faora with Zod inching towards her. He quickly leapt into the street rolling forward and blasting a plasma attack at Zod. 

The attack slammed into Zod knocking him back a few inches while distracting Faora's gaze. Wonder Woman took the time to break from Faora's grasp and punch her back. Cyborg ran towards Zod, but within seconds he was slammed back into the car and Zod was upon him. Before Zod could punch him he suddenly flew upwards, but not by his own work. The gravity around them shifted as Cyborg floated up slowly watching as Zod went up much faster. Cyborg activated his thrusters flying out of the shift towards the source, his wife Isabel. 

Crescent watched as Cyborg went to her side, "You're welcome." She nodded to him smiling looking up as Zod broke free flying down towards them. Zod landed in front of them his eyes glowing red, Cyborg raised his shield bracing for impact, but suddenly Zod stumbled back. Cyborg's scanners showed him millions of small cells swarming around Zod. The cells materialized into Sandman who quickly punched Zod back with a large sand fist. Zod angrily rushed forward grabbing at Sandman, but Sandman dematerialized again and Cyborg took his shot hitting Zod in the chest while Sandman again materialized and punched him in the side.

Zod roared in anger, "You puny humans will NOT stop me!" He rushed forward at Cyborg slamming his fists upward sending Cyborg upwards. Crescent quickly raised her hands, but Zod grabbed her arm tossing her to the side.

"NO!" Cyborg yelled activating his thrusters flying down and knocking into Zod. Zod turned around blocking several punches from Cyborg before he kicked him back. Sandman rushed in hitting Zod in the side, but Zod caught his hand throwing him down and pinning him. Cyborg slammed into him knocking him down and sending him rolling across the street. He looked over to Crescent as she stood up and then to the van with the staff.

"Isabel get the van to the airport now!" He yelled blasting Zod again. Crescent widened her eyes nodding and quickly ran to the van taking the driver's seat. The van began to move as Zod got up.

"NO!" He yelled moving towards it with his eyes glowing red, but Sandman caught him by the shoulders throwing him around. Cyborg ran in punching Zod in the face, but Zod hit him back with a head butt and shook Sandman off. The brute took his eyes to the van again and fired off his heat vision.

Cyborg quickly leapt in with his shield raised blocking the attack and sending him flying back into the building. He hit the concrete with a thud and fell to the ground. He looked up as Zod threw down Sandman.

"NO!" Cyborg yelled raising his hand, but as he did Faora was thrown into Zod by Diana and the two clashed in the street. He breathed a sigh of relief looking down the street to where the van was now disappearing. 


Crescent felt her heart beating faster and faster as she put her foot on the gas pedal. The van sped out of New Metropolis and towards the airport. She widened her eyes as the van sped into the airport and to the airfield. 

There was the plane, it was huge. She stopped the van and stepped out as the agents aboard approached her, "Hurry! Get the case!"

She nodded moving around the van, but suddenly 


The plane erupted into flames and Crescent took cover behind the van as smoke filled the area. She raised her hands clearing the area of smoke and looked up into the air in fright.

"Shit..." She widened her eyes looking up as two figures lowered down into the airport.

"Quex-Ul get the staff, I'll deal with the girl." The larger one said waving his arm as he landed.

"Just make sure you kill her fast, we're losing time." Quex-Ul said to Nam-Ek as he flew towards the van. Crescent quickly flicked her hand and created a gravity field around the van causing it to weigh greater and become impossible to move. Quez-Ul began attempting to break the doors open, but without much progress. She could keep up that field for a while, but not whilst being attacked by the other Kryptonian.

She backed away as Nam-Ek landed in front of her, "Puny girl. Time to die."

She widened her eyes, but suddenly the Kryptonian was thrown back and then knocked to the ground. She looked over as a sudden wind hit her and widened her eyes seeing Barry beside her.

"We figured you could use some backup." He grinned looking back as Quex-Ul was thrown to the side by Atom Smasher. The hulking man shrunk down kicking the kryptonian away. Nam-Ek got up slowly but was thrown back by a sonic scream from behind him. Crescent smiled as Black Canary stepped forward with a smile.

"Feels good to beat this guy's ass." She smiled as Barry ran in kicking Nam-Ek as many times as he could before latching on some Kryptonian cuffs on him. 

"Certainly is." Barry smiled looking back before running over to Quex-Ul and doing the same. 

Isabel smiled brightly, "We actually did it!" She faltered though, "What about the others? Cyborg!"

"Don't worry." A voice came on over the communicator, finally back online, "The Kryptonians are retreating, we have everyone here secure!"

"And Mount Justice?" Black Canary asked raising a brow.

"We don't have any word..." Cyborg said slowly. The group widened their eyes together. 

Something had happened.

"Atom Smasher get the staff, we aren't letting it out of our sight till we know Mount Justice is secure." Black Canary turned towards him as he moved to the van.

"Um Dinah..." Atom Smasher stumbled back his mouth gaping wide open, jaw dropped, "Its...its gone."

"What do you mean its gone? How? Who took it?!" Black Canary widened her eyes realizing quickly, she looked to Barry and they said the name simultaneously.



ARGUS Headquarters, New Metropolis, 5/9/18, 9:17 PM

Quinn smiled brightly as he stood next to Lionel Luthor inside ARGUS. The two were in the labs surveying their prize. Superman's body lay on a bed inside the lab with scientists scrambling around it.

"You have done very well, Director." Luthor smiled cracking his knuckles and turning towards him, he held out his hand, "Thank you for your service and loyalty. Thank your team for me too and have them stand guard around the facility."

"Of course sir. They're already at their stations" Quinn smiled back nodding and shaking Luthor's hand, but suddenly the room was filled with wind as another figure joined them.

"And of course we cannot forget our silent partner." Luthor turned, Quinn did as well watching as the Reverse Flash stood carrying the Kryptonian staff, "You have brought me exactly what I asked for."

"It was fairly easy with those Kryptonian idiots distracting the League. They ate up every word I fed them." Eobard snickered setting the staff down on a table, "Now the real end game begins."

"That it does." Luthor smiled, "Soon everyone single one of those heroes and Kryptonians will be dead. The world will be free of them, your future will be secured, and the world will flourish without the Justice League."

"Lets begin then." Eobard smiled motioning to the staff, "Its all yours."

"Right." Luthor grinned, "Quinn. Get your men ready for any sort of incursion. We need all the time you can get us."

"Yessir." Quinn nodded rushing out of the room.

"Shall we?" Luthor smiled to Eobard as Quinn shut the door. His hand was shaking, he could barely believe he was doing this, but Luthor and the speedster were too powerful to be stopped. He had to choose the winning side, and this was it.

"God help us all." He prayed as he made his way to the control center.

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