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Greater Bialya, 9/01/2018, 11:00 AM

A woman wearing a mask and a cloak barked orders around a small shanty camp as men in combat kevlar wielding assault rifles and swords. She marched through the camp as her men slowly built turrets and barriers for defensive capabilities. She looked over as another hooded man approached her.

"My lady," He bowed, "We have found Luthor's building sight. I've posted men around it to conduct surveillance. It doesn't seem like his project will be done anytime soon."

"Then we bide our time until it is." The woman replied, "Come with me." She began walking into her personal tent as the man followed behind.

"It's been too long since I've seen your face, my love." She smiled taking him into her arms, she put her hands on the sides of his face loosening the mask he wore and taking it off of him though he struggled anxiously, "No one will come in here without my permission." She smiled at him as he began to loosen up, "There is no need to fear." 

"Ah now there he is." She grinned now as the mask came off, "Soon everything we have fought for will be granted. We just need to wait."

"Of course." The man responded, "I've waited for that day for a long time, I don't mind waiting more."

"Yes, my sweet." She kissed him and leaned back, "Soon Roy Harper will have his revenge."

He nodded responding to his name. Roy Harper stood before her, in the flesh, his eyes filled with rage and hunger, ready to take his prize. 

Justice League V: EclipseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang