Chapter Fifteen: New Metropolis

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New Metropolis, 5/9/18, 9:56 PM

"Here's the plan everybody." M'gann's voice echoed through the Teams' heads. Artemis narrowed her eyes looking down at the ARGUS facility. There were two guards outside the doors, two more patrolling the perimeter. The team was on the rooftop overlooking the facility.

"We go in the front, hard. We take down the guards and gain their attention while the League moves in the back and finds the staff and Clark's body. We need to take their attention away from the League at all costs. That team that attacked us could be here so we need to be ready." Cassie spoke now addressing them all.

"This time will be different." Wally asserted as he cracked his knuckles. 

"We can do this." Tula agreed.

"Right." Artemis nodded forming a plasma cannon, "Lets go."

The team quickly spread out to surround the facility's front side. Artemis flew down activating her cloaking on her suit and slowly moved towards the first guard. She slid behind him as he rounded a corner and quickly slammed her mace against the back of his head knocking him out. She looked over as the other guard saw this raising his rifle slowly, but suddenly he was on the ground unconscious and Wally appeared behind him. The two looked over as the two at the front were thrown against the wall of the facility and knocked out as well. M'gann appeared before the doors throwing them open with her telekinesis. The team assembled now behind her moving inside to the lobby. The group watched as guards lined the balcony overlooking the lobby and several more ran in on the ground raising their rifles.

"Stand down!" A voice yelled from the balcony. It was Faraday, next to him stood Ravager. The two looked down at them as the Team was surrounded, "You are in the ARGUS Headquarters, you are violating UNE law!"

"You know exactly what you're doing." Terra yelled pointing at him, "Give up!"

"Stand down." Another voice spoke, it was a familiar one, the voice modulator rang through the lobby as more guards moved up towards them from behind. The team turned as Cross walked forward with Diaz and Bronze Tiger behind him, "Or die."

Artemis glanced around at the team. They were ready this time, she knew it. She formed a plasma cannon on her arm and raised it. The soldiers raised their weapons at the same time.

"Last chance!" Faraday yelled raising a pistol, "Surrender!"

"Never." M'gann muttered, only the team could hear her, but she quickly raised her hands pushing every hostile behind them backwards with a telekinetic blast. The guards on the balcony quickly fired their weapons, but Kyle raised his ring forming a massive wall that shielded the team. Eddie leapt over the wall teleporting towards the balcony and setting the area ablaze. Artemis flew upwards blasting several guards down, Wally sped around knocking as many guards out as he could. Kara took off at the guards slamming more down. Terra raised up the earth through the floor allowing for the team to break down the balcony. Tula made her way up casting her spells at Ravager, but the assassin dodged and moved to the edge of the balcony. Ravager flipped down firing at Artemis as she hovered in the air, the bullets hit her in her jetpack causing her to fall to the floor. Ravager charged her with a sword and Artemis quickly formed her scythe to parry the attacks. She swung at Ravager, but the assassin stepped back and stabbed at Artemis' chest. The blade barely did anything to Artemis' armor though. Artemis grabbed the blade breaking it with her hands and quickly slammed her fist into Ravager's chest sending her flying back. Artemis looked back as Bronze Tiger ran at Terra from behind, but Artemis formed a staple gun on her arm blasting him back and trapping him against the wall.

She looked up as the group forced their way forwards into the compound. The plan was working, they could do this. She just hoped the League was having as much luck.

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