Chapter Eleven: Coast City

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Coast City, 5/8/18, 3:30 PM

"I'm surprised you were able to find her so quickly." Faraday commented as he leaned against the rooftop looking down at the street, "Bronze Tiger is in position."

Diaz crouched next to him with a pair of binoculars in his hands. He was watching the warehouse below them, "Believe me, it wasn't easy. But luckily I know who gave her the job."

"We should get down there soon." Faraday nodded, "We don't want to lose her." Faraday looked down seeing the goons patrolling the area. Their target could have already slipped inside, "The Mirror Master really has made out well for himself."

"We won't, and he has gained a lot of enterprise since most of the crime bosses have been getting killed recently." Diaz smirked, "You ready?" He stood up and picked up the cables sitting on the edge of the rooftop, "This is the fastest way down."

Faraday nodded stepping atop the roof now attaching himself to one of the cables, "I better not die like this." He pointed a finger at Diaz as he stepped up as well. 

"Don't worry, if those masked freaks could do this, so can we." Diaz laughed as he sped down the cable towards the roof. Faraday took off after him. The two went over two full blocks before they landed on the rooftop. Both combat rolled onto the rooftop taking down two guards before watching down into the skylights. The room below was filled with crates lining the walls and forming a maze like structure in the center. Faraday immediately sighted their target, she was moving atop the crates bounding from one to the next, dressed in the iconic orange and black that her father wore.

It was the Ravager, Rose Wilson. Faraday's next potential recruit.

He quickly drew his pistol watching as Bronze Tiger slipped into the building as well. Faraday slowly opened the skylight glancing over to Diaz as he too slipped in. Mirror Master had lots of men in the building, even if Ravager didn't need backup Faraday still needed to show her she could trust them. 

Faraday leapt down onto one of the crates and down behind one of the guards. He moved up behind the man and moved his hands to the man's head snapping his neck in one fell swoop. He looked over as Diaz did the same to another guard and grabbed the next by the throat hitting him in the nose to kill him with one punch. Bronze Tiger was inside as well slicing the throat of anyone that he came across. 


Faraday made his way towards it. He saw Ravager hiding behind a crate with a pistol ready. The two of them locked eyes with Faraday moving a finger to his lips. The two of them had met before, about two years prior. Faraday had saved her life.

Ravager mouthed to him "What are you doing here?"

"Have a proposition, but lets finish this first." Faraday mouthed back, "Friends are here."

Ravager's eyes bounced around seeing both Bronze Tiger and the Dragon now. She nodded back slowly but with a hint of confusion and distrust. She turned now as Mirror Master moved towards the truck. He had five men waiting for him with crates being moved onto the truck.


Ravager popped over her crate firing at the group of men. Two immediately dropped while the three others leapt for cover. Mirror Master turned around with wide eyes, "The hell?!" He quickly began looking for a mirror as his hand disappeared into his pocket. Faraday ran out quickly with his pistol raised. He landed a hit on Mirror Master's shoulder knocking him back, but Ravager was already upon him. She had a sword drawn now, but Mirror Master's mouth curled in a smile, "Thank you!" He disappeared quickly as the sword shined his way. 

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