Chapter Eight: Smallville

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Smallville, 5/6/18, 3:32 PM

The rain poured down upon the three heroine standing on the hill. Kara's eyes were fixated on the body. Superman, he looked no more super than his parents. The storm kept up still with the rain picking up. The body lay on the hill with a pile of dirt beside the grave. Kara felt as though she were living in some insane nightmare. She almost wished she was.

"What now?" Cassie's voice murmured from behind her, the three were almost in a trance. Diana stepped back for a moment.

"We... we need to take him." Diana nodded slowly catching herself, "We need to get him out of here."

"And go where?" Kara turned towards her looking for answers, "Where the hell can we take him?"

"The Watchtower." Diana ran a hand through her hair nervously, "Or the Hall..."

"Diana." Kara took a step towards her, "We need to go somewhere they'll never think to look."

"I'm thinking." Diana shook her head, "Themyscira was compromised... Atlantis could be just as easily attacked..."

"Wonder Woman..." Cassie pointed upwards, "I... I think we have company."

Another clap of thunder rang through the air and a flash of lightning lit up the sky revealing three floating figures above. Kara clenched her hand in a fist as they began lowering down through the air. She recognized the one in the middle, it was Zod, but the two flanking him she was unsure of.

"We meet again!" Zod smiled widening his arms and moving them behind his back, "Kara Zor-El, I recognize your face, yes... Just like your mother."

"What do you know of my family?" Kara took a step towards them. They were standing on the other side of the hill now, she had a better view of the two beside him, one a woman and the other a hulking man. 

"Kryptonians should truly work together, should we not?" Zod raised a hand towards her, "Join us. I understand we got off on the wrong foot, but... Join us and you will reap the benefits from this pitiful race."

"Zod." Diana roared stepping forward, "You will leave this planet or die!"

Kara felt her heart beating faster. Zod sighed and smiled to the side. 

"Deal with her, Faora." He muttered to the woman next to him. Faora smiled and took off at Wonder Woman tackling her through the air and into the barn nearby. Cassie widened her eyes as the hulking man beside Zod took off at her now punching her in the gut and tossing her to the side into the field. Kara looked to her friends and back to Zod as he approached her now.

"Now that we are alone." Zod smiled moving towards her, "Why don't we chat?"

Kara narrowed her eyes suspiciously, she shouldn't trust the man, but her curiosity got the better of her. She lowered her hands listening as Zod went on.

"Krypton is gone. I accept that, but we could have saved it." Zod turned towards the body of Superman, "Because of Kal El's father, I was unable to save our people. But... we have a new opportunity." He pointed now to the body, "Kal El was sent her with a very important device, the Genetics Codex of Krypton. With that device, we may be able to jumpstart our very race. We may use his Fortress to the north to terraform this planet into a virtual copy of Krypton. We can restart our very race and be the rulers of a new Krypton!"

"And the human race?" Kara began to pace, Zod did the same and the two began to move in a circle around the body.

"A worthy sacrifice for our race." Zod sighed, "Look at their planet! It is dying! They are the cause of this destruction. We would be saving this planet from a certain doom, the human race will eventually perish in the end, but this planet... it can be saved."

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