Chapter Seventeen: New Metropolis

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New Metropolis, 5/9/18, 11:03 PM

"Watch out!" Eddie yelled as Doomsday slammed his fist against Supergirl. She felt the force of the punch in her chest sending her flying into a building nearby. She lurched in pain and slowly stood up watching down at the street as her friends circled Doomsday. She had flown in first, being one of the few capable of hitting the creature with equal strength. Eddie teleported above Doomsday and let loose a blast of fire from his mouth that enveloped the creature. Doomsday roared as Cassie flew in grabbing one of Doomsday's arms. The creature's eyes turned towards her now, but Kyle quickly flew in grabbing Doomsday's other arm with a construct of a whip. Tula quickly ran up towards the monster blasting mystical energy at it. Doomsday roared in pain now, but it quickly reared its back and threw its arms up sending Cassie flying and breaking the construct. Doomsday turned towards Kyle, its eyes glowing red. Supergirl blasted down towards them flying as fast as she could. M'gann quickly flew in punching Doomsday in the side with an enlarged fist from shapeshifting. Doomsday turned towards her angrily, eyes still red, but before he could move Supergirl tackled into the beast knocking it into the ground and punching it as hard as she could. Doomsday quickly flew upwards with Supergirl now headbutting her and knocking her down to the ground. Doomsday landed and Eddie again appeared in front of him opening his mouth. A blast of fire spit into Doomsday's face, but the creature charged grabbing Eddie by the neck and raising him up into the air.

"EDDIE!" Kara screamed launching at Doomsday, but the creature threw Eddie at her knocking both down again. The concrete beneath Doomsday grew up into the air around him trapping him in a makeshift cage, but the creature quickly broke free smashing out of the rocks. Terra flew in from above with multiple boulders swirling around her and one large on beneath her feet. The rocks began falling upon Doomsday, but the monster leaped upwards through the boulder grabbing Terra's feet and landing back on the ground. Doomsday took her arm in his hand and before Supergirl could move, Doomsday snapped it clean off of her body. Terra's screams filled the street as Doomsday dropped her body to the ground. 

"NO!" Eddie roared in anger leaping at Doomsday again, "I WON'T LET YOU WIN!" 

Eddie began to glow a bright red and a dark energy force released from his chest slamming Doomsday through a building. He turned to rush to Tara and crouched beside her. Kara widened her eyes, she had never seen Eddie do anything like that.

"Is she alive?" Eddie asked looking up at Kara as she crouched beside her too. She heard a heartbeat, but it was faint.

"Barely." She nodded looking up as Doomsday landed back down on the street, "Get her out of here." She said turning to Eddie, "You need to get her to the Watchtower."

"But no one is there!" Eddie widened his eyes, "Everyone is here!"

"Get her to the Watchtower, Eddie. You know basic medical training you need to stop the bleeding quickly and get her sedated. GO!"

Eddie nodded teleporting away with Tara in tow. Kara turned now as Doomsday began moving towards her, she looked over as Wally, Artemis, Cassie, Kyle, M'gann, and Tula joined her again.

"This thing isn't going to stop." Kyle said raising his ring, "We have to kill it. It's the only way."

"Are you sure?" Wally turned to him, eyes widened, "I don't think we can even kill that thing!"

"We have to try." Kara's eyes glowed red now too, "It'll wreak havoc on the world otherwise."

"We need Kryptonite." Tula said raising her hands, "Luthor used Superman's body to create it and it has Kryptonian abilities. Kryptonite is the only thing that can kill it."

Wally widened his eyes, "I'll be back, hold it off!" He suddenly sped away as the monster began rushing towards them. Kara let her heat-vision loose hitting the monster head on. The monster kept coming towards them though. M'gann raised her hand halting the creature mid-air and allowing for Cassie and Kara to fly forward punching the monster in the chest knocking it back through the air. Doomsday quickly caught his balance and flew at them again slamming Kara and Cassie to the side and moving towards the others. Kyle flew forward raising his ring and creating a shield that Doomsday quickly slammed against. Tula slid under Kyle's shield hitting Doomsday with a blast of mystical energy. Blue Beetle flew overhead slamming into Doomsday's skull with a mace and knocking him to the ground. Doomsday landed and Kyle ran at it hitting it with an energy blast, but Doomsday reared out catching Kyle by the arm and tossing him to the side into a parked car. Tula slid under the monster's grasp and hit him again with her mystical energy while Artemis slashed at Doomsday's back with her scythes.

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