Chapter 30: The Watchtower

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The Watchtower, 8/27/18, 12:35 PM

Wally looked out at the view of the Earth from high above inside the Watchtower as the oceans glimmered against the sun. He felt a feeling of dread as he gazed at it. The planet was in their hands now, the former members of the Team that had survived four years of insanity that had taken their lives in a flurry of blows. He remembered the Monolith crisis from 2015 and the battle with the Ring of Evil later that year. Followed shortly by Darkseid's invasion for months following. The Team's voyage into space years later in the beginning of 2018, Kaldurahm's sacrifice on Lostris against Vandal Savage. The Team had lost so many in time, Wally felt the weight of their sacrifices on his shoulders. 

He felt Artemis' hand move to his hair as she stepped up behind him, "You okay?" She asked turning his face towards hers.  

Wally formed a smile, the only times he could these days were because of Artemis , "Of course, beautiful." He took her hand and walked towards the rest of the League as they lounged in the break room. 

"I can't believe we're the Justice League now." Kyle said sitting on the couch, "It just... doesn't feel real."

"Believe it!" Miss Martian exclaimed laying next to him, "We're Earth's mightiest protectors now!"

"We should start talking about rebuilding." Tula sounded out from the table sitting next to Supergirl, Terra, and Robin, "The Team has three members and the League has seven, for the moment we've staved off evil, but in the future..."

"You're right."  Cassie said from the corner couch. She stood up walking towards the white-board on the wall, "We should begin some sort of recruiting for heroes on Earth. I'd be we could find lots of willing people to join the Justice League."

"It can't just be anyone." Katana said entering the room, the group looked with wide eyes towards her as she did so, "The Justice League has always stood for something bigger than anyone or anything, its members must be chosen carefully, the same for the Team."

"We can start surveillance on possible new recruits." Miss Martian agreed, "We can watch them and if they match up to our standards then we can approach them about admittance."

"I say Artemis leads recruitment for the Team." Wally said raising her hand, Artemis looked at him confused, "She knows the ins and outs of this Team. She has been through it all, she can relate to these kids and maybe help some onto a better path, to guide them."

"I guess... I could handle that." Artemis smiled at Wally and looked to Katana who nodded in agreement.

"I have no complaints." Kyle agreed.

"One more thing." Wally added, letting go of Artemis' hand, "We should be honest with them. We all know what the life is like. They can't be going in blind."

"I agree." Cassie nodded standing up, "We can't march more kids into battle only to die. They need to know the risks."

"I agree." Miss Martian said standing too, "We'll do this right."


Cassie gripped the bars in the hallway breathing heavily. She looked over as Miss Martian approached her and quickly stood up straight as she did.

Miss Martian sighed and turned her back to the wall leaning against it with her arms crossed, "Hell of a week right?"

"Tell me about it." Cassie nodded and slid to the floor, Miss Martian joined her with her legs crossed.

"You're still thinking about Jackson Hyde." M'gann observed.

"Yep. Kaldur's own brother." Cassie looked down feeling her hands, "I feel a...responsibility is all."

"Cassie..." M'gann put her hand on her shoulder, "Not even Kaldur knew, it isn't your responsibility or anyone else's."

"Kaldurahm would've made it his responsibility anyways." Cassie retorted, "Now he's gone... I feel like that falls to me."

"What will you do?" M'gann asked her taking away her hand, "He's going to Belle Reve, you won't be able to get him out."

"Maybe I can talk to him." Cassie murmured, "Maybe I can try to show him."

"He's been a contract killer  for who knows how long." M'gann argued, "I don't think he's going to flip face so suddenly."

"He might if I tell him about his brother." Cassie replied standing up and walking away, "I have to try."


Kara laid on the couch in the break room tossing a ball up and down. She flipped over as Kyle entered the room and joined her on the couch, he looked exhausted.

"Tired of recruiting already, huh?" Kara asked giggling and Kyle groaned back.

"Yeah it's already a lot to keep track of." 

"A lot to live up to too." Kara nodded growing quieter, she turned to Kyle now, "How do you do it?"

"Do what?" Kyle asked raising a brow.

"Live up to the image of the Green Lantern." Kara replied, "I mean him and Superman were both so... incredible, from all of the stories I've heard and from the videos of them fighting, they just seemed... so-"


"Yeah." Kara paused before continuing, "It's just... They inspired so many people. They saved so many lives. They were the best."

"Yeah they were the best." Kyle agreed, "But they were also not perfect. Believe me, from what I knew of John, Hal, and Kilowog, none of them were perfect at all. The thing is... they stood for something, they never compromised and always placed saving the innocent first, above anything. They all laid down their lives to save the world, we just have to be willing to do the same and live by that same code."

Kara smiled, "I like that. Maybe we can inspire Earth the same way."

"I think so." Kyle smiled back and sunk into the couch, "We're not too bad at it either based on previous performance."

Kara looked over as Miss Martian, Artemis, Wally, Terra, Tula, and Robin all walked into the room, "Break time!" Wally yelled speeding around to grab snacks and drinks for the gang. Cassie soon joined them as well as the group laid around laughing as they turned on the TV to enjoy time together. Kara couldn't help but giggle as they did so,

"What's so funny?" Robin asked her eyeing her.

"Oh it's nothing." Kara shook her head.

"Oh no please do tell." Artemis laughed with her.

"It's just... I love all of you and I think this is just the beginning of something bright."

Hopefully those words would ring true, as the new Justice League agreed raising their cups in a toast together. 

It was indeed the beginning of a new era. 

A new dawn. 

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