Chapter Ten: The Watchtower

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The Watchtower, 5/7/18, 12:23 PM

"This is what we're up against." Cyborg announced as the heads in the room turned towards him. The League and the Team were gathered in the conference room for a debrief on their enemies, Cyborg had finally compiled enough information on them to be confident in sharing.

"The Reverse-Flash. Our best guess is that he is the mold holding these Kryptonians back from leveling cities." Cyborg pointed to the hologram, "He is the one that stole the Phantom Zone Projector. He is highly dangerous, do NOT engage alone." He swiped to the next five individuals, "Now these are the Kryptonians. Their leader, General Zod is the most dangerous of the five. Based on the database, Zod is a high level threat and based on our previous encounters with him, he is even more dangerous when angry. His underlings, Non, Nam-Ek, and Quex-Ul are all equally dangerous. Nam-Ek's status is currently unknown after Kara buried him under a mountain in the Himalayas, but as we all know, Kryptonians are slimy bastards that refuse to die..." He caught himself for a moment as he remembered Clark. He sighed and continued, "Faora is the last, she is equally dangerous to Zod. In fact, all of them are highly dangerous and should never be engaged alone." 

"We know who and what they are." Atom Smasher shook his head in annoyance, he had taken heavy hits in the last fight, "What the hell do they want with Superman's body?"

Cyborg angrily ignored Atom Smasher's comment and proceeded, "We believe they are after two things." He pointed to the image of the staff and Clark's body, "We know they want the staff and Superman's body. Why? We don't know. What they are used for? Nothing good."

"We can't keep them here." Diana spoke now from her seat, "The staff is too powerful to keep on the Watchtower. The body is in the process of being moved to a secure location that only several Leaguers know of, but the staff... We don't have anywhere else to hide it."

"I think its time we consider working with ARGUS and the UNE." Black Lightning sighed announcing from his seat, "They have the resources to protect it. We can work with them. It will earn us brownie points and a secure spot for the staff."

The room grew quiet. The UNE wasn't completely trustworthy. They couldn't be with Lionel Luthor at the table, but the group had to consider that working with them would be for the best. If anything the staff could be studied and perhaps someone there would know what it really is. 

"I think that may have to be our course of action." Dinah nodded leaning forward, "We'll take a vote." She clicked a button on the conference table raising small devices to each League member sitting around it, "We have nine League members present, voting will commence now."


Coast City, 5/8/18, 12:23 PM

Faraday walked along the pier watching the water. He sighed, it was peaceful here. That was a hard feeling to come across these days...

He looked up as he heard footsteps coming towards him. He smiled watching as the familiar face revealed itself, "Ricardo Diaz."

"King Faraday himself." The Spanish American buff man smiled reaching out with his hand to shake Faraday's. Faraday took his hand and pulled Ricardo in embracing him. The two had a history together, they worked together many times.

"The Dragon." Faraday smiled, "It has been too long."

"It has." Diaz nodded smiling, "So why did you contact me?"

"Well." Faraday turned towards the ocean for a moment, "I have a new job opportunity."

"Oh?" Diaz raised a brow, "Go on?"

"It pays well, and is legal." Faraday nodded, "ARGUS is back."

Diaz shot Faraday a concerned look, "You're working for the government now?"

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