Chapter Nineteen: The Watchtower

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The Watchtower, 5/9/18, 12:23 PM

Diana stepped forward as the Team and League both stood on the zeta-tube platform. They gathered together facing Thawne and Lionel Luthor head-on. The two stood by the main console turning to face them. The Watchtower was enveloped now in a bright green glow.

"It's over," Diana said raising her hand, "You're outnumbered."

"I'm afraid, this is far from over, Wonder Woman." Luthor laughed pointing to the green beam of energy racing towards the Earth, "In mere minutes, that blast of energy will decimate New Metropolis. The Watchtower has been programmed to hit every major city on the planet one by one, millions will die. You cannot stop this."

"This is your master plan?!" Cassie yelled, "Killing millions of people?!"

"The Justice League are the ones doing it actually." Thawne smiled, "Your Watchtower is the weapon, you are the villains this time. The survivors of this attack will see you as a threat, the heroes on the planet will be persecuted and all of you will die on this space station."

"We're going to stop this. Now." Barry yelled running towards Thawne, but in an instant, Thawne was gone speeding to the side and behind the heroes holding Terra by the neck, "Kill me and she dies as well." 

"No." Barry shook his head and clenched his fist, "I'm done with this, Thawne. I'm done with your meddling of time."

"So be it, Barry. Just know... you're the reason she died." He quickly moved his hands snapping Tara's neck and dropping her to the ground.

"NO!" Artemis yelled rushing Thawne, the heroes leaped into battle and in the midst of it, Wally and Eddie stood looking around in shock.

Wally quickly turned to Eddie looking him in the eyes, "Eddie get us to the ground, now."

"What?!" Eddie asked in confusion, "Why?!"

"I'm going to stop this before it goes any further." Wally took him by the shoulder, "Get us down there, now."

"I don't know if I can-" Eddie shook his head in fear, but Wally knelt beside him.

"You can. You have to trust me. Get us to the ground NOW!" 

Eddie quickly closed his eyes and concentrated. Around them, Luthor grappled with Diana and Thawne and Barry sped around knocking into the other heroes as they fought. Eddie's veins felt as though they were popping out of his head, but in a mere second, they were standing in Smallville as the green beam of energy shot down at New Metropolis.

"You did it!" Wally exclaimed standing up now and putting on his goggles, "You need to trust me that this will work."

"I trust you." Eddie nodded and fell to his knees in exhaustion. He looked up as Wally suddenly sped off running down the road. Eddie fell down again closing his eyes as the exhaustion took him.


Wally ran as fast as he could. He felt his molecules vibrating faster than ever as he sped, the green beam of energy racing down towards the Earth and just as it neared the city. Wally felt the power around him envelop himself and he suddenly broke the sound barrier escaping into the speed force. The air around him sounded as if it were screaming and suddenly he came out into a dark night sky. The city was gone, Wally stood amidst a broken highway with destruction all around him. He gazed up in the sky, the Watchtower was gone. He looked around at the buildings that stood like ghosts, many were heavily damaged, not a single light was on in the city, but the moon shined in the sky. 

Wally moved his hand to his communicator, but he received no signal, "Oh no..." Wally shook his head in fear, "I need to know when I am." He quickly sped through the city in search of any sort of clue. He looked at old signs, billboards, newspapers, but there was no evidence around. Only dust and dirt. He made another lap through the city until he finally found something.

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