Chapter Fourteen: The Watchtower

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The Watchtower, 5/9/18, 9:08 PM

Terra breathed in as she collapsed on the floor of the Watchtower. The team was laying on the zeta-beam platform, the main chamber was empty. Terra looked over at Artemis as she stood up slowly looking around, "We made it." She let out a sigh of relief and angrily kicked the ground, "Damnit!"

"Wha-What the hell happened?" Cassie said rubbing her head as she came to consciousness, "Where are we?"

"The Watchtower." Terra replied moving towards the main console, "We got ambushed."

"And got our asses kicked." Wally grumbled as he stood up, "Ugh damn what hit me?" 

"Did you have any clue who those guys were?" Terra asked Artemis as she began to calm down.

"I recognized Ricardo Diaz and Bronze Tiger, but the others... I have no clue." Artemis shook her head.

"Faraday and Ravager." Terra remembered their names, "Thats what they said."

"Ravager? Like Rose Wilson the Ravager?" M'gann asked slowly standing up, "That's Deathstroke's daughter. What the hell were they doing attacking us?"

"They took Superman's body." Terra replied accessing the Watchtower systems, "Do you think they're working with Zod and Thawne?"

"Possibly." Cassie moved over to Terra now helping with the Watchtower main console, "But I doubt Kryptonians and a speedster have any need for a trained team like that."

"You think?" Terra asked glancing at her, "Knowing Thawne he could do anything to get what he wants."

"Wait a minute..." Cassie narrowed her eyes looking at the holograms coming up, "The League is sending a signal to us." She quickly hit the communications, "Come in Diana we're on the Watchtower, Code Red."

"Cassie?! What the hell happened?" Diana's voice came on over the speakers, "What happened at Mount Justice?"

"We were attacked by some sort of black ops team of criminals," Cassie replied closing her eyes, "They took the body."

There was silence for a moment before the zeta-beams fired up and suddenly Wonder Woman, Black Canary, and Cyborg stepped into the Watchtower.

"We have a major problem." Diana said walking towards them, "We lost the staff as well."

"What?!" Eddie exclaimed, "You mean Zod has everything he needs now?"

"We don't think so." Diana shook her head, "We have a feeling someone worse does. Cyborg." She said motioning to Cyborg as he reached the main console and connected to the system.

"We have major power surges coming from the new ARGUS headquarters in New Metropolis." Cyborg said pointing to a map of the city, "Something is generating massive amounts of energy there. There's only one thing we've seen that is capable of that kind of power."

"The staff." Kara said walking over now nodding, "That team that attacked us... they're working for ARGUS then?"

"Seems like it." Dinah nodded in agreement, "But that doesn't explain why Thawne would have taken the staff to them, unless they're all working together?"

"Unless they aren't." Cyborg turned, "There's one person we know that is now in charge of ARGUS and runs the whole show. One person who set up this little convoy."

"Director Quinn?" Diana asked tilting her head, but her eyes widened, "Oh no..."


New Metropolis, 5/9/18, 9:25 PM

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