Chapter Five: New Metropolis

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New Metropolis, 5/5/18, 10:10 AM

Cyborg looked around at his surroundings as he stepped off the zeta-platform at Star Labs. The entire lab was dark with the red alert lights on. The lab was on lockdown, luckily Cyborg could bypass it to zeta the team in. Black Canary and Black Lightning both stepped off the platform behind him. He scanned the area, there were at least five bodies, no survivors. He clenched his fist as thoughts of his father came to mind. He had to be alive, the only way he sent that call was if he were still alive, he had have set the lab on lockdown as well. 

"We stick together." Dinah said moving forward, "Cyborg you're our eyes and ears. The only way we're taking Match down is if we're all together."

"Right." Cyborg nodded and Black Lightning moved forward.

"How do you think he got out?" He asked checking the hallway, Dinah moved after him and Cyborg kept up.

"Power must've gone out long enough that he could get his inhibitor collar off." Cyborg replied as he took the lead moving down the hallway. He was scanning the floor for blood, there was a lot. They had to find his father first, then they could deal with Match. 

"I doubt it." Black Lightning shook his head feeling the wall, "This place is filled with power. Plus the weather was perfect today. Not a cloud in the sky. This place has three backup generators that go on milliseconds after one turns off. There's every sort of solution to a problem in this place."

"So what are you saying?" Dinah asked inching after them, "Someone let him loose?"

"Sabotage is the only likely way that I see him escaping." Black Lightning nodded stopping as Cyborg halted.

"We've got a survivor." Cyborg pointed towards the doors, he quickly accessed the network of the building. Black Lightning was right, he sensed no sort of power outage in the system's memory. Someone must've made a mistake or done this on purpose.  He relayed this to the group as the doors slid open.

"So we've got a rogue scientist on our hands and a rogue super clone. Great. Today just keeps getting better and better." Dinah shook her head, the three entered the ruined lab. The tables were ripped from the floor and the room was in ruins. Cyborg made his way over to the only heartbeat he sensed. He picked up a body gently lowering it to the side as he discovered a woman lying on the floor.

"NO!" She began to scream, but Cyborg's hand instantly moved to her mouth.

"Sh!" He whispered, "We're here to help!" Her eyes widened in understanding.

"Vi-Victor?" She asked and Cyborg instantly recognized her. It was Doctor Mitchell, a close family friend. She had worked alongside Silas for years, "I-I can't believe you're here! That...thing broke out somehow!"

"I need you to calm down and slow down. What happened?" Cyborg asked helping her to her feet. Canary and Lightning stood behind him listening closely.

"It-It was an ordinary day." She shook her head feeling her temple, "We were working and then all of a sudden the lockdown happened. The clone... he.. he broke in and went on a rampage. The guards... they tried to stop him. Oh god." Her eyes began to recognize the multiple bodies in the room, "" Fear was filling her and her heartbeat quickened.

"You need to stay calm." Dinah said moving towards her and taking her hand, "We are here and everything is going to be okay. That thing won't hurt you. But if we're going to stop him we need to know the situation completely."

She nodded slowly and explained, "I have no clue how he got out. He was in one of the most secure cells that Star Labs has ever built. The only way out was if we wanted him out." 

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