Chapter Nine: New Metropolis

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New Metropolis, 5/7/18, 5:34 PM

Luthor sighed as he sat down at the conference table. The UNE's capital building in New Metropolis looked more like a skyscraper than the traditional capital in D.C, but the UNE was pushing forward instead of moving back. The UNE controlled most of the world, they couldn't settle their capital building in one of the old cities, it had to be in the new crown jewel, New Metropolis.

"Lets get to business." Secretary General Harrison announced from the head of the table, those that could not attend in person were there in the form of a holographic image. Luthor sat beside Maxwell Lord, another former business man from the old world and General Samuel Lane, one of the UNE's top generals and father to the famed Lois Lane. Next to him projected was Alexander Duma, a Frenchman ambassador from Europe. Jessica Ross and Edwin Garish both sat beside Harrison near the head of the table.

"We have had little luck rearing in the Justice League. So I believe it is time to take Lionel's suggestion into account." Harrison sighed tapping the table with his finger, "I don't believe the League would ever do anything to hurt us, but the threat of their actions still stands. We need to start taking these matters into our own hands."

"My project has never been meant to replace the League." Luthor smiled nodding with Harrison, "The LLD is meant for the threats this project cannot deal with. An elite team that can deal with any problem thrown at it." He brought up the holograms on the table now showing his recruits, "I call it Project Atlas, a team that will hold up our sky to keep it from crumbling down upon us. The League only brings destruction, they have little regard for those that get caught in the crossfire. With this team working directly with UNE forces, we can ensure safety for any innocents in the area of a firefight."

"Who will be on this team?" Lane asked scratching his chin.

"Team leader will be Agent King Faraday." Luthor showed the hologram of Faraday, a master tactician, sharpshooter, and hand-to-hand fighter, "The team will be overseen by ARGUS and Director Desmond Quinn, ARGUS will be overseen by me."

"Who else is on this team?" Lane pressed.

"Ben Turner a.k.a the Bronze Tiger." Luthor pointed to the images, "We are still in the process of recruitment, but we have numerous candidates. I hope for the team to have at least six or seven members."

"Metahuman members?" Ross asked leaning forward.

"No." Luthor shook his head, "That is our first rule. This team will not have any powered individuals, strictly human."

"Good." Maxwell Lord nodded, "It will keep this team grounded and controllable too. Plus, less property damage hopefully."

"Exactly." Luthor nodded standing up now, "This team won't be able to handle level 10 threats, but they for sure can handle anything else. If a hero goes rogue, they can handle that too."

"I don't want this to be a force of assassins." Harrison sighed leaning back, "As long as it is strictly overseen, I will be able to agree with this."

"It will be, Harrison I can promise you that." Luthor smiled sitting back down and buttoning his jacket, "So? Shall we vote?"

"Is there one needed?" Harrison asked looking around the table, no one seemed to speak up. The team had been approved without a single thought, "There we have it then."


The Himalayas, 5/6/18, 4:23 PM

Kara rolled through the snow as she flew out of the portal. She was clutching onto Clark's body as tightly as she could, but she rolled down the mountainside hitting a rock and dropping the body onto a small flat surface below. She looked down seeing a cliffside that the body had landed near. She slowly stood up looking around in confusion, she was in the middle of a snowstorm and she was high up atop a mountain. She slowly floated upwards as the snow barraged her. 

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