Chapter Twenty-Three: Star City

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Star City, 5/25/2018, 7:55 PM

Kara shook herself awake as droplets of water splashed down on her face. The room was dark and cold, she glanced over the chamber with her heightened vision and saw Tim and Wally leaned up against the wall.  Kara blinked looking at the cell doors and quickly got to her feet. Wherever they were, it wasn't going to be difficult to break out. Tim glanced up at Kara as she stood and shook his head. 

"Don't bother we both tried." He sighed and stood up as well, "The door is impenetrable, they took all of our gear as well."

"Maybe for you, but not for me." Kara shook her head brushing past Tim and placing her fist up against the door before winding back and slamming into it. Instead, her hand bounced off the metal as if nothing had even happened. She looked down in confusion as Tim spoke again.

"Whatever it's made of is impenetrable. We're trapped." He kicked the wall in frustration and slid down against to the floor, "We have to wait for the right moment. We can still get out of here."

"The next chance I get I'm rushing whoever opens that door." Wally spat, "I hate being captured."

Kara began using her heat-vision on the door, it began to do the job, but too slow. She suddenly could hear footsteps approaching. Kara moved a finger to her lips and turned to her friends as they began to get ready. A clicking sound began on the opposite side of the door and slowly it swung open. 

Wally took his chance immediately and rushed the door, but a fist hit his jaw before he could do much else. Ruck entered the room with Bear and Merlyn accompanying and Tim and Kara stood down as they escorted them out into the sewers. The three were pushed into the same chamber they found before with several villains awaiting them.

Gorilla Grodd stood out to Kara first as she entered,  followed by Abra Kadabra, Livewire, a martian, Talia Al Ghul, Cross, and Ravager, Slade Wilson's infamous daughter. The three heroes were brought in front of them and stood in a line. 

"So good to see you again, Robin, Kid Flash, and Supergirl. I think you'll find our demonstration quite... intriguing." Grodd smiled, his voice echoing in their minds similar to when Mgann would do so. 

"Turn the machine on." Talia ordered one of the assassins on the catwalks above. They flipped a switch and Grodd attached a wire to his helmet. 

Kara widened her eyes as her head became filled with alien thoughts. She blinked once, and then twice looking over as Robin and Kid Flash both struggled. 

"Is it working?" A voice ahead asked, but Kara could barely make out the words as the thoughts in her head grew louder.

"Turn up the power!" Grodd's voice echoed in their heads and Kara began to fall to a knee. Kid Flash grabbed his head and suddenly rushed towards Grodd, but he froze before reaching him. Kara blinked once more and then suddenly, everything went black.

Somewhere over San Francisco

"So what you're saying is..." Eddie blinked as he sat inside the futuristic spaceship, looking around at the white floors and ceiling. His fellow heroes were gathered in the chamber, some nursing their wounds from the battle still, "You're all a part of a superhero team called the Legion of Heroes from the future? And you've come back to prevent the end of the world?"

"That's pretty much it." The teen that originally called out to Eddie answered, "My name is Lightning Lad, I'm the leader of this squad and these..." He motioned to his other crew mates, "Are my teammates."

"I'm Saturn Girl." The one to Lightning Lad's left said smiling, "I'm what you'd call the mother of the bunch, I also have telepathy!" 

"I'm XS." The next girl standing by Saturn Girl spoke up, she was shorter and bright, "I have super-speed!"

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