Chapter Seven: The Watchtower

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The Watchtower, 5/6/18, 7:34 AM

"I can't believe this." Cyborg shook his head gazing through the glass. Dinah shook her head watching as well.

"What is it?" She asked biting a nail as Cyborg continued the tests.

"I'm not sure exactly." Cyborg replied watching the staff sitting in the quarantine room, "I need to run more tests. All I know for certain is that it contains a massive amount of power."

"Is it a weapon?" Dinah asked stepping back, "We could be holding a bomb in a space station right now." She looked to him with worry in her eyes.

"I ensure you that anything in that room is unable to breach the outside." Cyborg pointed at the glass, "We will be fine."

"We don't know what that is." Dinah shot back. After a moment of silence she sighed, "I guess its safer to keep it up here away from innocent lives though."

"Its safe here." Cyborg nodded not looking away, "Could you send Isabel up here? I think I may need her help with this."

Dinah nodded, "I'll contact her."

"How is the team?" Cyborg asked quickly. Sometimes Dinah forgot he used to be a member.

"Recovering." Dinah sighed, "We're down a couple people for now. Diana and Cassie are out in Smallville for some godforsaken reason. I'm about to send Billy after her."

"And Barry?" Cyborg asked looking back. Dinah shook her head.

"He's on leave still with Iris. You know she's pregnant, right?" Dinah looked up at him, he looked back with a spark in his eye.

"What's that look in your eye about?" Dinah asked eyeing him closely and smirking a bit, "Vic...?"

"Well..." Cyborg smiled and took a step away from the glass for a moment, "...Barry isn't the only one that's going to be a father..."

"Shut up!" Dinah yelled shocked and pushed him a bit, "How long have you known?!"

"A couple weeks now." Cyborg smiled uncontrollably, "Don't spread word, we want to keep the surprise."

"Of course!" Dinah smiled, "I can keep a secret... I'm happy for you." She put a hand on his shoulder, "You deserve this."

"Thank you." Cyborg nodded smiling back, "Thank you, Dinah."

Dinah stepped back, she felt her memories of Oliver flooding into her head. She closed her eyes for a moment fighting back tears before looking to Cyborg, "I'll get Isabel." She smiled turning towards the door.


M'gann sat in the chair watching the footage from Artemis' suit camera. She could barely believe it. This... Zod. He had ripped the team apart as though they were nothing. Five powered individuals couldn't hold him off, one being a Kryptonian, one a speedster, one a human-devil hybrid, one a Scarab wielder, and one an Atlantean. Even when the League joined in, they could barely hold him off. He was dangerous, if any more of them were there it may not have made a difference. 

She looked over at Kyle. He stood looking out the windows into space. His hands were gripping the metal bar by the window tightly. M'gann stood up moving towards him. She put a hand on his shoulder and leaned her head on his arm.

"I hate this." He shook his head, "Being sidelined. Meanwhile, Cassie is out there chasing this while we're stuck here. We should be out there with her finding out more about who did this."

"You know how she gets." M'gann held him tightly, "She'll call us if she needs us."

"No. She won't." Kyle chuckled, "She's hardheaded you know that."

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