Chapter Twelve: Mount Justice

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Mount Justice, 5/9/18, 8:23 PM

Artemis stood next to M'gann and Tula watching the footage from the security cameras in New Metropolis.

"Oh no..." Artemis stepped back widening her eyes. M'gann glanced back at her with wide eyes too. Tula took a step back in shock.

"They'll come here next." She said looking back at the screen.

"We need to get everyone into their positions in case that happens." Artemis nodded turning around and letting her armor form over her face. The scarab was, as usual, not silent.

"Artemis Crock, this site is not the optimal location to protect against an attack, however the Scarab finds it unlikely the Kryptonians will discover us. However, we recommend that one looks into the cut connection."

"What cut connection?" Artemis asked the Scarab out loud. M'gann looked to her with a confused look.

"Huh?" She turned towards her with a worried look.

"League come in." Artemis moved her hand to her communicator, "Anybody? Cyborg?"

Her helmet moved down revealing her face, "M'gann... our comms are down..." Her eyes darted to the footage. She took a step back as it cut to black, "Something is happening..."

M'gann quickly established a mind-link between the team accessing everyone's minds.

"EVERYONE! We have lost communication with the Justice League. We're on our own for now, they are under attack. I think we might be too soon... Everyone get ready."

"Who would be attacking us?" It was Kyle that asked this.

"There are other Kryptonians, right?" Kara said, "Maybe they all aren't attacking the convoy."

"Then how did they find us?" Wally asked in confusion, "There's no way they found us out here!"

Artemis began moving towards the center of the mountain looking upwards. She heard something, the Scarab was picking up faint movements in the mountain. Suddenly a loud beeping sound began blasting in her ears.

"ALERT ALERT INCURSION DETECTED!" The Scarab panicked, the incursion was behind her. Artemis whirled around widening her eyes as a small device hit her in the chest latching onto her armor. She looked down at it as it suddenly released an electric pulse. Artemis fell to her knees as she found herself unable to move.

"Scarab detects the device is emitting an electric pulse that is causing minor paralysis to your body, Artemis Crock." The Scarab spoke now, "Without verbal confirmation, we cannot act."

Artemis attempted to reply, but she couldn't move her lips. Her eyes looked up as a shadowy figure dropped down into the main chamber. She watched as the figure approached her and suddenly a hard metal object slammed down against her head knocking her down to the ground and sending her into unconsciousness.


Cassie flew into the main chamber as fast as she could, "M'gann, where are you?!" She asked over the mind-link, but suddenly she found that the mind-link was down now. She looked around in confusion, neither Artemis, Tula, nor M'gann were to be found. She began to open her mouth when a rope suddenly found itself wrapped around her arm. She looked over as a fist slammed into her face knocking her down and an electric current ran down the rope shocking her, hard. She fell to a knee as a masked figure stepped out of the shadows placing a collar on Cassie's neck before she could react. She attempted to rip it off, but another shock forced her down. Her strength was gone.

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