Chapter Twenty-Nine: Greater Bialya

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Greater Bialya, 8/29/18, 9:06 PM

A cloaked figure looked out at the sands as he stood atop a creaky metal wall held together by loose screws and bolts. He gazed out into the desert searching for something until finally a jeep's headlights came on over the horizon as it sped towards the lonesome camp in the desert. He leapt down off of the wall joining several other men by the gates as the jeep pulled in and a woman stepped out. She approached the cloaked figure smiling as she arrived.

"My darling, I missed you." She spoke, her accent was British and her flowing dark hair let loose behind her as she undid it from its knot, "Anything to report?"

"Construction began this morning. It seems they are making only a small camp for now, could be a good time to strike." The man spoke, his voice was gruff from the sand flying through the air from the harsh winds. 

"No. We will monitor their progress and strike when the time is right. For now, we watch what Luthor is up to." She handed him a sword as she walked past.

The cloaked man followed behind her gripping the sword tightly.


The Watchtower, 8/25/18, 9:00 PM

Cassie sulked as she stared at Cross through the cell door. She felt more confused than ever, Cross' true identity had been revealed as Jackson Hyde, Kaldur's biological younger brother. But why was he working with Grodd and his lackeys if he was an Atlantean. Something wasn't adding up. She looked up as Artemis approached her.

"Holding up okay?" She asked with a smile as she stood next to Cassie.

"It just doesn't make sense..." Cassie shook her head, "Kaldur never mentioned having a brother."

"Maybe he didn't know." Artemis shrugged, "All that matters is that we have him away from Grodd, maybe he was under some sort of mind control?"

"No, M'gann said he was acting of his own free will." Cassie sighed, "He might be Kaldur's brother, but he doesn't seem to hold the same values."

"We'll sort this all out." Artemis nodded and then stopped for a moment before turning back to Cassie, "Look, M'gann wants everyone in the meeting room for a debrief. You probably want to be there..." Artemis turned walking towards the meeting room.

Cassie paused, staring at Cross, before she turned walking closely behind Artemis as the two reached the debrief. M'gann was pointing at a hologram in the center of the League.

"Grodd and his cronies are hiding in plain sight." She pointed towards Star Labs, "He has taken control of the minds of the scientists in the New Metropolis Star Labs location and has been building his machine beneath the surface in the basement levels. We need to be on high alert during this mission, Grodd's abilities have been amplified already by the machine at its most basic level meaning if Sivana upgrades it for him, he'll have enough power to control the minds of every human being in the country, and eventually, even the world."

Cassie gulped as she listened, the stakes couldn't be higher and this was the new League's first big mission. She looked around the room, Miss Martian, Aquagirl, Supergirl, Kid Flash, Katana, Terra, Robin, and Artemis, the heroes had survived countless battles and fights for the sake of the planet, yet this time they were entirely on their own. No backup coming for them.

"Grodd has already taken Kyle under his mind control meaning I will have to move in and free him myself. I've also learned from Jackson Hyde's mind that he is backed by Talia Al Ghul, Livewire, Ma'alefa'ak, Lady Shiva, and Abra Kadabra. He's got some tough backup on his side so we'll need to be in sync and moving carefully."

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