The Tale of the Mad Scientist

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On a warm afternoon in Stanford, California, Amelia Olson looks at her test tube curiously, hoping she made the perfect medicine. Amelia is a student at Stanford University, getting her bachelor's degree in biochemistry. Helping everyone one step at a time. While she looks at her medicine, a young handsome man walks up to her and smiles,

"Hey Amelia," he says,

"Hey Joon, how are you coming along with your work?" she asks. Kim Namjoon, one of the smartest students in the school, looks down and sighs. He was one of the best students, but unfortunately has lost interest in what he's doing,

"Amy, I'm gonna be honest. It's hard, I can't come up with a single thing and it's making me nervous," Joon says as he looks down at the desk. Amelia gives him a sympathetic look and softly touches his shoulders,

"Hey, listen. It's going to be okay, you'll come up with something. I'm sure you got some ideas hidden in that big head of yours," Amelia says, and they both laugh,

"Alright, alright. You're right. I just need to see what I can do. Maybe I can create like a bioweapon or something," Joon says but Amelia looks at him in horror, praying he isn't going to make something like this,

"Now Namjoon..."

"I'm kidding, Amelia. I wouldn't do that. It would be cool though but meh," Amelia looks at Namjoon suspiciously, hoping he wouldn't make a bioweapon.

"Okay, listen. Come on by tonight and we can come up with a cool concoction for the assignment. If that's okay with you?" Amelia says. Namjoon thinks about it and decides to give it a go.

"Okay, sure why not?" Namjoon says with a handsome smile. Amelia becomes excited knowing that her best friend will be working with her. While both Amelia and Namjoon were best friends, Amelia always had a small crush on him, as did Namjoon with Amelia. Amelia hugs Namjoon tightly,

"Okay, come by around 6 pm? Okay?" She asks.

"Gotcha, I'll see you then," Namjoon says as Amelia leaves the room while waving. Namjoon waves back and sighs. He hopes to find a good concoction for his assignment, something that'll make him unforgettable and powerful. He was always into fame and fortune, wishing to succeed. Namjoon leaves the room and heads home.

3 hours later

Amelia sets up the table for dinner and a doorbell ring, Amelia runs to the door and answers it, it was Namjoon,

"Hey, Amelia,"

"Hey Joon, come on in,"

"Thanks," Namjoon walks in, and Amelia closes the door. They both walk to the living room and Namjoon takes his bag off,

"I made some dumplings in case you want some, is that okay?" she asks.

"Sure, that's fine. I'm getting a bit hungry anyway," he says. They both walk to the kitchen to get some dinner. After a while, they become full and get started on their ideas for the assignment.

"So Joon, have you decided on what to create?" Amelia asks. Namjoon sighs and nods his head,

"I did come up with one idea, but I'm not sure if I can do it," he says. Amelia sighs in annoyance,

"Joon please, don't go with the bioweapon idea. That scares me. I don't want anyone to get hurt, okay?"

"I'm not doing that Amy. I've decided to create some medicine that'll help people with their anxiety and depression. Like a cure." He says. Amelia looks at him in confusion,

"Like an actual cure for anxiety and depression? Namjoon, holy shit," Amelia says in disbelief,

"Yeah, it shouldn't take very long. I know what to create,"

"Are you sure you want to do this?" she asks.

"I mean it, Amelia, I want this. I'm sure I can help so many people. I will get started on it tonight," Namjoon says confidently. Amelia shakes her head in disbelief and sighs,

"Okay, good luck Joon. I know you'll do amazing things with this project," Amelia says as she smiles at him. Namjoon smiles and hugs Amelia and kisses her cheek,

"Thank you, Amelia, for believing in me," he says. He gets close to her lips and suddenly kisses her. Amelia's eyes widen but settle into the kiss, feeling each other's warmth. They make out for a few minutes until they were out of breath, and they pull away from each other,

"Holy shit, I've been wanting to do that for so long..." Namjoon says quietly, Amelia chuckles and kisses his cheek, and sighs.

"Me too," she says,

"Well, I should get going, but I have a question," he says.

"What is it?" Amelia asks.

Joon sighs and gives Amelia a dreamy look, "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks. Amelia shockingly looks at him and nods her head quickly,

"Yes, absolutely yes," she says excitedly, Namjoon grins and hugs Amelia tightly, breathing in her soft scent of lavender and jasmine. He feels comfort and warmth, happy that he finally got the woman of his dreams,

"Amelia, you're the best," he says.

"I know," Amelia says as she chuckles. They both end their hugs and Namjoon decides it's time to go,

"Well, I'm off. I'm going to get started on that assignment, but I'll call you tomorrow, okay?" Namjoon asks,

"Gotcha, I look forward to it," Amelia says as she kisses him and Namjoon kisses her back,

"You're so lovely. Goodnight, Amelia,"

"Goodnight," Amelia says. Namjoon leaves the house and enters his car and drives off. Amelia watches Namjoon drive off, hoping that everything will go well.

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